March Stated Meeting: March Stated Meeting is officially in the books. For more information on the night, please click here.
First Degree Conferral: Honolulu Lodge wrapped up the month of February with the initiations of Brothers Chad Patterson and Sean Baker. More Details of the degree.
Second Degree Conferral: Bro. William Stanley was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft after giving an outstanding profiency. More Details of the degree.
February Stated Meeting: February Stated Meeting is officially in the books. Click here to get the details from that night.
Bro. Diamond Robinson's Promotion: Congratulations to Bro. Robinson's promotion to the rank of Sergeant in the USMC. Read more.
Mr. Goldblatt's Initiation: Honolulu Lodge held its first conferral of 2010. Bro. Ken Goldblatt became the youngest Entered Apprentice Mason. Read more.
MLK Day Parade: Pictures from the Martin Luther King Day Parade are up. Click Here for check them out.
January Stated Meeting: Honolulu Lodge officially rang off the new masonic year with its January Stated Meeting on January 12, 2010 at Makiki Temple. Many of the brothers were in attendance to share and discuss their opinions on many lodge matters. Read more about January's Stated Meeting.