February's Stated Meeting was especially memorable for WBro. Dale Palileo, PM. The Pillars awarded WBro. Dale the first Cornerstone Award of 2010. The Cornerstone Award was created to acknowledge brethren who have shown dedication to the principles of Freemasonry, a commitment to Masonic obligations, and devotion to the virtues of our ancient institution. Coincidentally, the Pillars created this award during Bro. Dale's term as Master in 2008.
This will be Bro. Dale's last stated meeting in Honolulu Lodge as a Hawaii Resident because within the next couple of weeks he will be relocating with his family to the mainland. Throughout his years as a member of Honolulu Lodge, he has dedicated and devoted his life to the craft and his actions have made him truly deserving of the Cornerstone Award. We all would like to wish Bro. Dale in all his future endeavors and thank him for all he has given us.
In addition, those who attended the meeting were treated to a very informative presentation about the origins of the lambskin apron by WBro Marcus Trelaine, PM. WBro Trelaine is the Grand Preceptor of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, who was also visiting Honolulu Lodge for the first time.
February's Stated Meeting also welcomed back Brother George Mcclory. Bro George has been abroad for the past year and it's always a treat to have our brethren come back to visit their mother lodge.
Lastly, the lodge calender has been updated to show the schedule for the month of February.
Photos made possible by Brother Gilles Tisseraud & Brother Lee Kaneakua.