Mr. Kenneth Goldblatt became Honolulu Lodge's newest Entered Apprentice on January 26, 2010. More than 30 brothers attended the degree, included Bro. Kenneth's father Fred Goldblatt from Fritz Lodge located in Conshohocken, PA. Bro. Fred has been a master mason for more than 50 years and was happy to witness his son's admission into our ancient and honorable fraternity.
Honolulu Lodge also welcomed Bro. Shawn Lloyd of Compass Lodge #265 of Robbinsdale, Minnesota. Bro. Shawn expressed his gratitude to the lodge for their recent fraternal assistance and really enjoyed his time and the fellowship during the night.
Also, Bro. Greg Pentecoste delighted the brethren with his insight and teachings in masonic education. It has been one of Worshipful Jimmy Coleman's goals of the year to have educational sessions throughout his term, and with Bro. Greg's educational talk this past Tuesday, it has already proven that this year has started off on the right foot.
The brethren also congratulated Bro. Diamond Robinson on his recent promotion to Seargent and gave their support for his upcoming promotion ceremony on February 1st at Camp Smith in Aiea.
Finally, the lodge closed in due form at 9:40 pm which was followed by fellowship.
Photo made possible by Bro. Mark Gene Wilifred Leo, Jr.