Over 30 brothers were present for March's Stated Meeting, and their attendance was well worth it. After going over previous month's agendas and new business, the brethren were treated to an introduction and explanation about The Operatives by Brothers Greg Pentecost and Mike Sienkiewicz, V.
Bro. Mike has a very extensive history in Masonry. In addition to being a life-long student of the craft, he is also one of the founders of the Bryn Athyn Quarry Assemblage, and a member of the St. Lawrence Seaway Assemblage in Ottawa, Canada. He is also the Grand Tyler of the Grand YR Chapter of Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdictions Thereunto Belonging. He is also a Trustee in Blue Lodge, Chapter and the Valley of Phillidelphia.
Many announcements were made about the upcoming events happening in Masonry, all of which may be viewed in full detail through the links given below.
March 10: Koolau Lodge's 2nd Annual St. Patrick's Day Corn and Cabbage Dinner
March 20: HMTA's First even Makiki Temple Scrub Down
April 16 and 17: Grand Lodge of Hawaii's 2010 Annual Communication information and registration form.