When Master James Coleman unexpectedly fell ill, the members of Honolulu Lodge stepped up to fill the chairs in order to pass EA William Stanley to the degree of Fellowcraft. Under the direction of our Junior Warden Brother Mark Dixon, Bro. Darryl Lajola sat in the Oriental Chair, while Brother Chino Cabaltejo examined William on his obligation. Being found proficient, the degree proceeded with Bro Darryl conducting the first section, Bro Gilles Tisseraud giving the Middle Chamber Lecture and WBro Jeff Lowe giving the G lecture. WBro Garry Graham concluded with the charge.
It's good to know that in times of adversity, the brothers of Honolulu Lodge are willing and able to step up to the challenge.
Among our visting brethren in attendance was Worshipful Brother Robert Keller of Washington Lodge #46. WBro Keller was also a member and past master of Daylight Lodge here in Hawaii.
Photos made possible by Bro. Lee Kaneakua..