Honolulu Lodge officially rang off the new Masonic year with its January Stated Meeting on January 12, 2010 at Makiki Temple. Over 30 brothers were in attendance, one of them being Brother Drummond from Homewood Lodge 447 located in Wellington, New Zealand.
We are saddened to report that our brother Gilbert Proctor, Jr. has retired to the celestial lodge above this past December. During his funeral Brother Gilles Tisseraud had the pleasure of meeting his wife, Marleen Proctor, who was apparently very touched by Brother Gilles's sincerity and kind-heartedness. Mrs. Proctor requested during the stated meeting that Worshipful Jimmy Coleman present to him Brother Gilbert's Masonic regalia passed down to him from his father. Some of the items Mrs. Proctor had Worshipful Jimmy present were Brother Gilbert's father's Past Master's Apron, Masonic ring, top hat, and the gavel that was presented to him after his 1941 term as Worshipful Master in his lodge in Illinois.
Lastly, Worshipful Brother Frank Condello reminded the brethren of the upcoming Martin Luther King Day Parade. For the past 10 years, Honolulu Lodge has marched in the parade alongside our brothers from Prince Hall at this special event. The lodge has voted during the meeting to wear our Masonic regalia at the MLK parade.