Current Officers - 2013

Worshipful Master

Officers within a particular Lodge are often identified in three ways: apron, jewel, and collar. Every officer of any well governed Lodge will wear his collar with the jewel of his office attached. Masonic collars are generally made of royal blue velvet, and are typically worn during open Lodge, or any other Masonic event.


Worshipful Master:
Cary Carter PM


Senior Warden
Norman Wilson


Junior Warden:
John Mahan


Glenn Wilson Sr. PM


George Perich PM





Senior Deacon / Webmaster:
Thomas Glassburner


Junior Deacon:
John Van Meter


Senior Steward:
David White


Junior Steward:
Robert Quinn


Lee Dodson


Chuck Allison PM


Lodge Education Officer:
Patrick Yoder PM


All Rights Reserved. Western Reserve Lodge #507 F. & A.M. West Farmington Ohio