Charity and Masonry
Brethren, we are all taught that we are to help, aid, and assist all
poor and penniless who apply to us for aid and are worthy and it not
being a strain on ourselves or families.
As we know charity is one of our responsibilities as Freemasons. We
also know that it is the greatest gift. So how should our Lodges and
we act in order to fulfill our obligation?
First, charity begins at home as we often hear. This means we need
to take care our worthy distressed Master Masons, their widows and
Next, we have our communities. We are to act outside our Lodges as
we do within them. Therefore, we also have a responsibility to
charity in the places we live. We must hold ourselves to a higher
standard. By doing this we show our neighbors the genius of
Freemasonry and they may want to join with us so that our Fraternity
will flourish.

Drive Details:
Site: Western Reserve Masonic Lodge 507
Date: Fri Mar 15, 2013
Time: 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Coordinator Name: Thomas Glassburner
Coordinator Phone Number: 440-231-9029
Click here to make an appointment
Some of our Charities / Community Outreach
This is not a full list and we do add to this list from time to
Local High School Scholarship |
Ohio Special Olympics |
Sponsor Local Softball Team |
Ohio Masonic Home |
Blood Drives