
This is the easiest way to contact the webmaster of this website. In
reference to joining or becoming a dual member to our Shrine, or letting
us know of things that we need to add to our website, to make it a
better reference for everybody to enjoy.
Membership in the Order of the White Shrine of
consists of the wives, daughters, stepdaughters,
step granddaughters, legally adopted daughters, mothers,
grandmothers, widows, sisters, half-sister, granddaughters,
great granddaughter, aunts and those nieces and grand nieces of Master Masons who have a blood
relationship to him, when
said Master Mason is in good and regular
Standing, and those husbands, sons, fathers, stepfathers, stepsons,
step grandfathers,
grandsons, brothers, grandfathers, nephews ,or uncles if
were in good standing in some regular Masonic
Lodge at their Death,
or Master Masons in good and regular
standing and who have no restraining
factors imposed upon them by the specific Grand
Lodge. The form sends an email straight to the Webmaster.
There is a reset button at bottom if you need to reset the form
(either you forgot what a field was for, or you did not read it