Mount Beulah Chapter on Saturday 3rd March 2012 Night celebrated 90 years of servlce to
our Order and we are very proud of reaching this marvellous goal.
It was on Saturday 3rd March we had our meeting and shared the meeting with the
M'w.G.M. and M'w.G.P of the United Grand Chapter, the W.G.M. of the Grand Chapter of
NSW & ACT, W.D.G.M. of the Parramatta District Grand Chapter and also a wonderful row
of visiting Worthy Matrons and Patrons which all added to the decorations and we are also
pleased to say that there were two other Districts, Hunter Valley and IlIawarra Districts, but
due to the very heavy rain recently Southern District were unable to come as well as our I
Worthy Grand Patron and the members of Bathurst Chapter. Sydney District W.D.G.M. was
unable to come as she was on a cruise. We were so sad to hear that they were unable to I
attend but our thoughts are with all our members who are affected in any way with these
floods. Among the Worthy Matrons was the W.M. from Golden Wattle Chapter, which is
our sister Chapter having been instituted on the same day. I am looking forward to visiting
them in three weeks to help them celebrate their big day and we wish them as good a day
as we had. It was wonderful to see our Hall so full of members and visitors. That was a
sight that brought a tear to my eye and I am sure many of our members We had some
members from long distances come back and some who are not able to attend Chapter very
often, how lovely to be able to welcome them again in our Chapter room.
Our Hall, which was the first O.E.S. Hall in the Southern hemisphere, was really lovely as it
was decorated with suitable 'party' decorations, balloons and banners etc., and there were
many photos on show all around the room covering most of the 90 years. Unfortunately
we did not have many photos of the very early years as it would appear that they were not
taken as often as we do in these modern days.
We had so many members and friends to thank for help towards the day, among which was
a beautiful verse written especially for us by our 'O.E.S. Poet Laureate' Brother Eric Hunt
from Goulburn. Thank you Eric. The other thank you's were many and were given at the
meeting, but the most important was thank you for the work and support of the Mount
Beulah team, who worked so hard to make the day such a success.
We are now a third of the way through this term and had some lovely times with members
and friends. At Christmas we had toys and gifts for the needy and then February we held
our Harvest Festival meeting with the goods from both of these meetings being donated to
the Youth off the Streets organisation and it is always a delight to deliver the goods to them
as they are so appreciative of any help they can get. We also have an ongoing project
through the year with donations of goods for families who are in need of help at MacDonald
House, this is a place of some sadness but so much love beauty and courage, and it is a
pleasure to visit.
Our Charity for the year Is Alzheimer's Australia, as we feel sure there are many people
who have come into contact with this dreadful affliction and this charity money is growing
very well, the collection taken at our meeting certainly swelled the amount raised so far.
A date for your diaries is our Charity Luncheon on Saturday is" August at Mount Beulah
Hall, we will have Dr Helena Popovic as guest speaker who wrote a book "Finding My father", so do come along to hear her. (Narelle assures me we will all be
inspired it will not be sad)
Sister Nell Johnson, Worthy Matron