To provide a means by which fraternal and community relatonships can be encouraged and improved.


To  encourage all members to  
1. Work for the benefit of the community, extending generous support for charitable purposes.
2. Respond to the needs of others - members of the Ordrer as well as non members, giving assistance in adversity, comfort in sorrow, and support in the practicalities of day to day living when required.
3. Participate in activities that promote the ideals of the Order - to live their lives enhanced by Fidelity, Constancy, Purity, Hope and Love.
4. Enjoy the social activities of the Order and interact with each other in the pleasures of cheerful companionship.
5. Extend fraternal regard, charity and friendship to, and be honest and truthful in their dealings with each other.
6. So live, that their lives are a reflection of the principles taught in the lessons of the Order of the Eastern Star.

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