Hospitals Australia wide $48,410.00 Chapters give money for all sorts of equipment and this is good to see as Hospitals do not always receive necessary money from Governments to make life easier for Nurses and Doctors and the patients needs to help with recovery and comfort.
Children’s Charities $38,980.00, we donate to special causes for children one Chapter donated $1200 for a special chair for a very special young person to be able to get around. Schools receive donations for equipment, sports days and Eisteddfods.
Care Flight and Flying Doctor Services $25,725.00 the Chapters in the Country Australia wide give to them as I am sure they appreciate the help received when they have to get to a major hospital in a hurry as Major teaching hospitals have the equipment to help us all. . .
Heart and Stroke Organisations$10,590.00
In NSW & ACT we have an Organisation HANDS ACROSS NSW under the Masonic Grand Lodge of NSW & ACT which helps Farmers in distress in drought areas $5,540.00 and somewhere there is a little boat called “Ruth” which was won by Lithgow Chapter and sold to a happy fisherman. Alzheimer’s Association $2,205.00 Diabetic of Australia $10,976.00 Fire $13,550.00, Blue Nurses a Queensland help to keep people in their own homes, $3,265.00, Salvation Army / Lifeline $7039.00 Holroyd Chapter gave a $1,200 donation to Books in Homes which enables children and adults to read a much needed help in this day and age.
Miscellaneous $36,353.00. Which covers a wide range of organizations in smaller donations.
Chapters do some amazing work with local charities like Wentworthville Chapter who knit squares to make rugs for WRAPT with love and in any two years would knit 28, 40 x 70 cm Rugs. Imagine the use this gives to the underprivileged in far off places overseas.
Harvest Festivals which give goods to Charities for their use. Members who knit and make things for Hospitals to use or sell, all add up to a magnificent public relation effort on behalf of our beautiful Order,
I am sure all of the recipients are very pleased with our Efforts and on their behalf I thank you all. As Secretary for a Hospital Auxiliary I know Charity Dollars are difficult in these times but we Chapter Members are still able to make someone else’s life better by our love and concern for our fellow man again THANK YOU to the Chapters who sent the forms there were only 6 Chapters who did not, which would make a difference to the overall Total.
Could I ask if a Chapter unfortunately closes, would they send me the final donation list, as I am sure this would inform the members on a more accurate figure.
Thank You Most Worthy Grand Matron for the privilege of speaking and I have copies if anyone would like to receive one although our Worthy Grand Secretary Sister Lorraine Ellison will send a copy to each Chapter. And I will again report to Magazines and Masonic Lodges. |