Contrary to popular belief, becoming a Freemason is actually quite easy. You have to fulfill the following requirements:
But aside from the above requirements, the most important thing that you have to do is...
That's right. You have to ask a Mason in order to become one. No member of the Craft will ever solicit you for membership, as the membership process requires that the decision to join is of your own free will and accord.
If you don't know any Masons, we'd be more than happy to help you. Just come by the lodge on any Tuesday night and introduce yourself. It's that easy and simple.
To help you get started in your Masonic journey, below is our application form that you can fill out and bring with you to lodge. You can download the application form in either PDF or Microsoft Word format.
Brothers who are members of another lodge are also more than welcome to affiliate with us. Below is our Affiliation Form that you can use to get things started.
To download: Right-click and click on "save as" for PCs. For Macs, press the command button and click on the link you want to download.
You can contact us if you have any questions whatsoever.