Grand Worthy Advisor 2001 and Supreme Inspector
The Rainbow Girls held their Grand Assembly Dinner on
Friday June 21st at the Pagoda restaurant here in Honolulu. The Grand
Worthy Advisor who was stepping down had selected Prevent Child Abuse
in Hawaii as her service project. She started off the evening with over
$900 her assembly had collected, before the evening was over other contributors
added to that amount to bring the total charitable contributions to
over $2,200. Worshipful Masters from Hawaiian, Pearl Harbor and Leeward
lodges presented checks from their membership.
Mark Bleakney and helper John take on the task
of washing brother Franklin’s Boat.
On Sunday June 23rd many brothers from Honolulu lodge
and other lodges along with a whole bunch of friends cleaned cars at
Shriners Hospital for Children to raise $1,019.11 for the Patient Transportation
view photos from this event |
The Grand Worthy Advisors little brother even
got in on the fun as he presented this check for $100 from his
family. The entire weekend was filled with activities. On Saturday
night the girls put on a Talent Show and served ice cream afterwards.
On Sunday they installed the new Grand Worthy Advisor who was
quite surprised |
Brother Fred Chang discovers the car did have white sidewalls.
This reporter helped wash three cars before I had to return to the Temple
to complete our July Trestle board. Which by the way, how do you like the
new layout? The entire trestle board was produced using Microsoft word and
then transmitted to the United States Postal Service where they printed,
addressed and folded the 8 page self mailer, saving the trestle board committee
(of one) from having to do all the work. It's called working smarter instead
of harder. |