On September 26th 2009 the Honolulu Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons will be holding an information and outreach service event at Kapiolani Park for the homeless population of Hawaii. Program begins at 2:30 pm. Hot meals will be provided as well as several free services, such as health screenings, representatives from agencies that provide temporary/transitional housing, as well as other resources. The goal is to connect the homeless population with the many services that are in place for their support, by bringing these services to the park. Honolulu Lodge will be working in conjunction with Waikiki Outreach Ministries.
Honolulu Lodge has worked with Waikiki Outreach Ministries on a quarterly basis in their efforts to feed the homeless. The information and outreach event is a natural extension of that relationship.
About Freemasonry - Freemasonry is the world's oldest fraternal organization. In North America alone, Freemasonry contributes over two million dollars a day to charitable causes through its various concordant bodies.
The Lodges of the Hawaiian Islands are the only lodges in the American jurisdiction which have Hawaiian Freemasons of Royal Lineage of the Kingdom of Hawaii and Royal Past Masters.
Contact –
Carl Richards II
(808)561-2874 (808)561-2874
About Waikiki Outreach Ministries - Headed by Pastor Bob Erb The Waikiki Beach Outreach Ministry is a ministry dedicated to providing food and ministry for the homeless who live or work on the streets in Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Contact -
Bob Erb
(808)497-6920 (808)497-6920