03-02-10 March Stated Meeting
03-06-10 The Suggestion/Comment Box: is now fully functional. Please chime in your thoughts.
03-16-10: Bro. Ken Goldblatt & Bro. Chris Baker's Passing
03-09-10:Mr. Brent Kidd & Mr. Walter Lee Harvey Initiation
03-27-10: We regret to report that Brother John Smith has passed inward and upward to that celestial lodge above. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Brother John's family during these hard times.
Attention: Please take the time to check out information regarding Honolulu Lodge's committees. Worshipful Coleman has posted a thread on the Lodge's Facebook page and has requested for those available to volunteer. Click here to access the thread.
06-06-10 Shriners Waterbreak BBQ: On Sunday, June 7th (8am-3pm) we will be helping build a new waterbreak at the Shriners Beach House in Waimanalo.
06-08-10 Second Degree Practice: Primary staff & floor work practice (mandatory for sitting officers).
06-15-10 Second Degree Conferral: We will be conferring two second degrees for those EAs who are ready and willing.
06-22-10 Second Degree Conferral: We will be conferring two second degrees for those EAs who are ready and willing.
06-29-10 Third Degree Raising: We will be raising Bro. Chris Baker to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.
For more information about our news and events, please visit our News and Events section.
Aloha and Fraternal Greetings!
On behalf of the brethren of Honolulu Lodge F. & A.M., I welcome you to our official website.
Since the first lodge was established in Hawaii over a century and a half ago, Freemasonry has flourished in these islands and continues to stay true to its principles of brotherly love, relief and hope. Kings, industrialists and people from nearly all walks of life have joined our ranks and promoted our interests in the areas of charity and community service.
If you're a sojourning brother who would like to visit a lodge in Honolulu, then I look forward to seeing you at our lodge. We meet every Tuesday night starting from 6:00PM and onwards, with dinner being served at around 6:30PM. For more information about our meetings, please visit our contact section. You are also more than welcome to contact us for any other reason through the same page.
If you're interested in joining a lodge in Honolulu, then you have come to the right place. Honolulu Lodge is one of Hawaii's most active lodges, with members that come from a variety of backgrounds and nationalities. Its cosmopolitan nature has not only attracted both young and old applicants, but has also developed a unique atmosphere of camaraderie and fellowship. I encourage you to stop by on any Tuesday night and see who we are and what we do.
I invite you to browse through this site and learn more about Freemasonry
and our lodge's history. While I can't guarantee that you'll find what you're
looking for, I can assure you that you'll learn something about Freemasonry or
about Honolulu lodge.
Fraternally and Sincerely,
WBro. James Coleman
Worshipful Master 2010