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We had our Annual Installation this evening and had a wonderful turnout. We had meal at 6:30pm which was a pot luck and thank you for the Masons that brought food and drink. At 7:30 started the installation and all went very smooth. WB Mike Ross was the Installation Officer and WB Bob Holly was the Installation Marshal, and both did a beautiful job. Thank you for WM and SW of Northstar Lodge for joining us at this event and thank you's also for the gift they gave to the new WM (it will be repaid). We would also like to thank the Litchfield Star members that came to see our installation. Congratulations to our new WM Chris Thorson.
In the process of updating and redoing the website.
Stated Meeting - 6:30 pm we started our dinner. Brother Chris Thorson made dinner which included Lemon Chicken, Asparagus Risotto, and Spinach Salad with cherry tomatoes and mozzarella. It was also finished off with chocolate cake. After all that we all rolled ourselves into the lodge room for our meeting.
We would also like to recognize and thank Aspen Fitch for assisting Brother Thorson on setup and serving.
3/26/10 - 3/27/10
First thing that needs to be said, congrats go out to Most Grand Master John Cook and thank you to Past Grand Master Thomas McCarthy for a great year. The Grand Communication was a wonderful event with great friends, food, and celebration. Congrats also go out to three of our own Litchfield brothers. Grand Marshal Jim Curry, Area Deputy Robert Holly, and District Rep. Chuck Anderson. There is a lot of honor in having three Grand Lodge Representatives from one lodge.
Stated Meeting tonight. We started with Deputy Grand Master John Cook making an appearance at the lodge for the meeting. We then moved to to one of the most impressive pot luck meals. We then had our meeting. Congrats on positions that have been appointed by Grand Lodge to our Lodge member brothers. Bob Holly as Area Deputy , Chuck Anderson as District Rep., and Jim Curry as Grand Marshal.
Stated Meeting at 7:00. It has been announced that from now on supper will be at 6:30 and meeting will be at 7:30.
Stated Meeting at 7:00pm. A bit unorganized because of work being done in the lodge but got through. Break for food, thank you W.B. Holly for bringing beans and sloppy joe's and thank you Building Assn. for Pizza. Finished the night off with the Building Assn. meeting.
Stated Meeting, break for Pizza, Then 1st Degree. Wonderful job on the degree work and congratulations to the three new masons to join us.
Stated Meeting at 7:00
Happy New Year to everyone. The hope of a better year, more meaning, more love, and more light.
Our stated meeting was held at 7:00 pm. Thanks go out to the Winnings Family for the pizza after the meeting.
This evening many of us met at Peter's in Litchfield for our Christmas party. WM Mike Ross led us in wonderful speeches and conversation where the Masons, the Shrine, and Eastern Star were represented. It was all followed by a glorious buffet. We would like to thank all that visited with us.
More photo's were added to photo gallery page
On Saturday we had an open house from 10:00am until 3:00pm. We had some great conversation, great card games, and great food with great friends. Got to visit with some of our brothers family members that came to the open house.
The night of our stated meeting at 7:00 and Sausages afterward....
Sunday we had our pancake breakfast at the civic arena and had a lot of friends, family , and even some new acquaintances visit for some wonderful food and conversation.
At the University of Minnesota campus, on a brisk morning more than two hundred and fifty gathered from across Minnesota. The Cornerstone Ceremony was the event and was very impressive, especially with the new Amplatz Hospital as a backdrop. Pictures are posted on our photo page.
Thursday evening we discussed the positive interest that Dan Brown's book 'The Lost Symbol' has had on Masonry and decided to have an open house on November 14th from 10am to 3pm.
We also talked about setting up a Widow's Brunch and in the next couple of weeks are going to figure what would be the best date for that.
Discussion has also been made of a possible news letter. We will keep you informed!!
Don't forget about the Cornerstone Ceremony on Saturday October 24th!! And the Pancake Breakfast on Sunday at the Litchfield Civic Center!!
On Saturday evening we had Card Night at the Lodge. Four Brothers came to partake in some cards and friendly game. We also had one applicant to the lodge come and join us.
On Saturday morning, because of the snow and not being able to see the trash we were suppose to pick up, the highway cleanup was delayed to a later day not yet chosen.
We had the opportunity to bring a brother back to the lodge. He had been gone from the lodge since the 70's and is now back up to date and very welcome. We also found out he will be raising his son in Florida this winter. Congratulations from all.
We had the honor of welcoming Grandmaster Thomas G McCarthy to your meeting. His visit, ideas, and information about Masonry was well accepted and appreciated.