Calendar of Events
Dinner Signup
- January 13th - Potluck
- January 27th - Ed Cowley
- February 10th - Building Assn.
- February 24th - Terry Miller
- March 10th - Open
- March 24th - Open
- April 14th - Open
- April 28th - Open
- May 12th - Open
- May 26th - Open
- June 9th - Open
- July 7th - Open
- August 11th - Open
- September 8th - Open
- September 22nd - Open
- October 13th - Open
- October 27th - Open
- November 10th - Open
- December 8th - Open
Created and updated by:
Brother Chris Thorson
Published under the authority of the Most
Worshipful Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Minnesota