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Office Bearers 2022-2023


As installed at the Annual Installation on Monday 05 December 2022


Right Worshipful Master - Bro. Calum J. McArdle

Depute Master - Bro. David B Blair

Immediate Past Master - Bro. Colin J. Chalmers PM

Substitute Master - Bro. Alan M Buchanan

Senior Warden - Bro. Ian Hunter

Junior Warden - Bro. Scott Ryan

Secretary - Bro. John R. Galloway

Treasurer - Bro. Colin J. Chalmers PM

Almoner - Bro. Andrew Ferguson

Dir. of Ceremonies - Bro. James Weir MBE PM

Chaplain - Bro. James H Chalmers

Senior Deacon - Bro. Darren O’Hare

Junior Deacon - Bro. Kenneth Darton

Architect - Bro. Andrew Logan

Jeweller - Bro. Alex McArdle

Bible Bearer - Bro. Grant Mitchell

Bard - Bro. Alex Croy

Standard Bearer - Bro. Scott Wilson

Director Of Music - Vacant

Inner Guard - Bro. Barry I. Hamilton PM

Senior Steward - Bro. Shane Cherubim

Junior Steward - Bro. Neil Pirrie

Tyler - Bro. Thomas Coffey