Masonic Seal

Do You Have A Question?

Below are some common questions asked by non-Masons before or during their first visits to the Lodge.

Please click on a question to see the answer. If you are not satisfied, use the "Contact" menu item to send us an email or ask any member of the Lodge.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  What is Freemasonry?
2.  Who are the Freemasons?
3.  Who are the most famous Masons?
4.  What qualifications required to be one?
5.  How does one become a Freemason?
6.  What is a Masonic Lodge?
7.  Why is this Lodge called Village?
8.  Why should I join the Village Lodge?
9.  What goes on in a Lodge meeting?
10.  What are the Masonic Degrees?
11.  What is a Masonic oath and why taken?
12.What Masonry is not...
13.What is the Secret of Freemasonry?

© 2010 Village Lodge #315 | Original: Andreas Viklund