Ask one to become one!
Essential qualifications for acceptance are a belief in a Supreme Being, being 18 years of age or older and of good repute, moral character and with no criminal record of any kind.
Step 1 - Petition and Endorsement
To become a Freemason, you must first submit a "Petition" (an application). However, you are encouraged to attend a few meetings before doing so. Attend our dinners and open events listed on our calendar and make sure we are the kind of people you would want to have as Brothers.
Once you decide to fill out your Petition, hand it, along with the applicable fee to the Lodge Secretary. You will also need to have at that time three Brothers, who deem you a worthy individual, endorse your Petition.
Step 2 - Investigation & Balloting
Before we can vote on your admittance into the Lodge, we must conduct a Masonic investigation. Upon submission of your Petition, the Lodge will assign three Brothers who will contact you and setup a time to meet you at your home and further discuss your interest in Freemasonry and the Village Lodge; this will also be an opportunity for you to ask any further questions you may have regarding Freemasonry, our Lodge or the process of initiation.
After your investigation, these Brothers will report their findings to the Lodge and a secret ballot on your Petition will be taken. The secret ballot is an ancient Masonic custom and the vote must be unanimous.
Step 3 - Initiation & Instruction
If you are elected to join our Lodge, you will be notified by the Lodge Secretary and informed of the time and day of your initiation. Your attendance on this assigned date is required. You are to arrive alone and dressed in a suit and tie. You will not need to prepare for this ceremony or bring anything with you.
Once initiated and becoming an Entered Apprentice, you will be assigned a mentor and a coach who will assist you throughout the rest of your journey.
© 2010 Village Lodge #315 | Original: Andreas Viklund