Entered Apprentice Book List and Reading Material

Born in Blood, John Robinson, 1989, M Evans and Company, New York. Available for loan from the UGLQ library, Ann Street Brisbane; and through the American Book Store, Elizabeth Street, Brisbane (for purchase).
Masonic World Guide, Kent Henderson, 1984, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co Inc, Virginia, USA. Sole Australian distributor, the author, PO Box 301, Belmont, Geelong, Victoria, 3216. This book can also be borrowed from the UGLQ library.
The Pocket History of Freemasonry, Pick & Knight, 1992, Hutchinson, London. Available for loan from the UGLQ library, but may be out of print in the stores.
Let There Be Light, Sullivan, UGLV, Capitol Press Pty Ltd, 1988. Available through the United Grand Lodge of Victoria, 300 Albert St, East Melbourne, Vic. 3002.

Fellow Craft Orientation Kit Reading List

The FC Handbook JSM Ward
The Web of Hiram - 2_ Catechetical Lecture
A Basic Masonic Education Course for Fellow Craft Freemasons - Grand Lodge of California

Master Mason’s Reading List
Preston’s Illustrations of Masonry (Ninth Edition) – Accessible on the Internet at address
The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail  & The Messianic Legacy - Baigent, Leigh,& Lincoln, Corgi Books
A Freemason at Work, Harry Carr, Lewis, 1992
Let There be Light, Sullivan, 1988, United Grand Lodge of Victoria. A first-class Masonic lexicon available for loan from the UGLQ library, and to buy from UGLV, 300 Albert Street, East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002.
The Book of Hiram, Knight and Lomas, Century
Questions and Answers, Masters’ and Past Masters’ Lodge No 130, New Zealand – Available for loan from the UGLQ library, and may be purchased by writing to Masters’ and Past Masters’ Lodge No 130, PO Box 277, Christchurch, 8000, New Zealand
Darkness Visible, Walton Hannah. A 1950s exposÈ, now well out of print, but available for loan from the UGLQ library, and may be found if you are prepared to search the second-hand book shops
Rosslyn – the ancient seat of the Sinclair (St Clair) family. Search the Internet under “Rosslyn Chapel” to have your eyes opened to a branch of Masonic History which is extremely interesting. Complementary to the Knight and Lomas books The Hiram Key and The Second Messiah. See painting in the foyer of the Stones Corner Masonic Centre.
Gould’s History of Freemasonry  in 4 volumes is not something you will read cover to cover, but it is a fascinating reference work. It is available in the UGLQ library.
Understanding Freemasonry  AW Martin, OS PSGW (SA&NT)

Finally, there is a HUGE bulk of Masonic material on the World Wide Web. Just search “Freemasonry’ and follow the links from sites you discover wherever your interest should take you.

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