Hello Brother, I am John "Corky" Daut, Past Master and the current Secretary of Waller Masonic Lodge #808 A.F. & A.M. in Waller, Texas
One of my hobbies is creating Masonic web sites without charge. It's my way of contributing something to Masonry.
Space on the internet for hosting Masonic sites is normally donated without charge by "mastermason.com". That's his way of contributing something to Masonry.
The site you are on is my latest one. Some others are,
Hempstead Lodge #749 at http://mastermason.com/HempsteadLodge/index.htm
Brookshire Lodge #1066 at http://mastermason.com/Brookshire1066/
MWAS District #108 at
Oak Forest Lodge #1398 at http://mastermason.com/OakForest1398/index.htm
Small Town Texas Masons at
Valley Hi Lodge #1407at
Waller Lodge #808 at
All you have to do is furnish some information about your Lodge such as Lodge location pictures, officers, Lodge history, etc. As much or little as you want on the site.
Either someone with computer savvy from your Lodge can maintain the site or I will keep it updated with your emailed information.
Send e-mail To pineilseATswbell.net. Please use the @ sign instead of the AT word.
(Writing the address without the @ in place beats the spammers e-mail address collection programs.)