"In a small Lodge, past and present are closely
linked, almost too close to tell the difference."
IThe S T T M Emag has moved into it's own new home now and some of my other favorite sites are slowly moving in as neighbors. But, that will be a story for next month. The new address for the magazine is, oldcorky.com so if you have us in your "Bookmarks" or "Favorites" you need to change the address.
Click Here For The September 2012 Issue
Click Here For The Past Issue Archives
Click Here For The Lodges Used
Remember, if you haven't read a past issue,
it's as new to you as the latest one.

Welcome to the award winning "Small Town Texas Mason's E-Magazine". If you enjoy reading it, email Corky at pineilse@swbell.net to subscribe. It's free.

Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry
This publication was created to provide Masonic News, History and Entertainment for all Freemasons and interested non-Masons alike.
As the title suggests, it features a small town Texas Masonic Lodge and a story of Texas Masonic history or heroes in each issue, but it also covers Freemasonry worldwide.
It is an independent publication, not connected with any individual Blue Lodge or state Grand Lodge. The beliefs, ideas and opinions expressed here are strictly those of the authors and not necessarily those of the editor, any individual Blue Lodge or any state Grand Lodge.
If you enjoy this magazine and aren't being notified when a new issue is posted, please E-mail Corky at pineilse@swbell.net and you will be added to the list. Suggestions are encouraged and appreciated. We are always working to improve and expand the magazine.
No © Copyright. Free To Use.
All material in this site may be used to educate everyone, Freemasons and non-
Freemasons alike about Freemasonry and for the promotion of Freemasonry.
A very sincere effort was made to avoid using any copyrighted material,
without permission or giving credit to the author, in the creation of this
web site. If you discover something that is yours, without giving you due
credit, please let me know and due credit will be given or the item will be