














Charter & Bylaw Information

     Millennium Council was chartered on May 10th of 2000 as a constituent council of the Grand Council AMD.  Our Charter home is New Carlisle Lodge #100, however meeting locations move to accommodate our widespread membership area. The following was adopted as the governing doctrine of the Council.

Adopted May 10, 2000
Amended August 29, 2001

Article I

The name of this Council shall be Millennium Council #382 and its Jurisdiction shall be the State of Ohio.


Article II

The Secretary shall have custody of the Charter.


Article III

There shall be four regular meetings of this Council each year assembled in the months in which there are five Wednesdays, the last of which shall be the annual meeting. The time of assembly shall be 7:30 p.m. on the regular meeting date. Special meetings may be called by the Sovereign Master, the sending of electronic mail (e-mail) to the member's listed e-mail address being sufficient notification.


Article IV

The elective officers of this Council shall be the Sovereign Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and Secretary-Treasurer, and shall be elected at the annual meeting. The appointive officers shall be the Chaplain, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, and Tyler. All officers shall be installed at the annual meeting or as soon thereafter as practical.


Article V

Membership shall consist of Brethren proposed by any regular member of the Council and shall be limited to twenty-seven in number of regular members, three in number of emeritus members, and as many honorary members as the Council shall deem appropriate. Such proposal shall receive a clear ballot at any meeting of the Council before an invitation is extended. Membership shall be predicated on membership in good standing in a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons.


Article VI

The fee for investiture in this Council shall be $90 plus the annual dues for the year. The annual dues from each member shall be $20 (Amended August 29, 2001 from $10.)


Article VII

The By-laws may be amended, altered or repealed by a two-thirds vote of the members at any meeting of the Council, provided the Secretary has notified each member in advance of such intentions, the sending of electronic mail (e-mail) to the member's listed e-mail address being sufficient notification. Amendments or changes will become effective upon approval of the Grand Council.

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