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Trestleboard 2010-2011 year | ||
December 18,2011: New
Calendar added to the Website let me know if you like it.
December 13,2011:
Brethren, Brother Anthony Gomez's wife presented him with a baby boy around 7:15
P. M. December 13. Little Anthony G. Gomez (8lbs + oz.)
December 11,2011 : The Deputy Grand Master will visit tomorrow. December 01,2011 : Work party at the Lodge Saturday Dec. 03 lots of things to do! Come and help out. November 20,2011: From the Webmaster Desk The lodge secretarys room is dry out. new sheetrock is in.Thanks you Bro.John Yeager(John 2) & Karl . Ernie painted lodge room doors did repairs to bottom kickplate.Lodge is have 2 degree Nov. 28 possible. September 28, 2011 Brethren, Dalton, Ernie, and I went over to the Lodge today and dressed the major problem areas on the roof. The weather was good and is supposed to hold long enough for it to cure properly.
However, if you have this Sat., this week, free we will be doing some
other much needed work. (0900hrs!)
cleaning the walls in the lodge room ( possibly doing something with the
one panel that is bowed at the top.)
the two exit doors from the lodge room
downstairs ladies room
We had the GAS CO. over today. Real strong smell of gas when we entered
the building.
******The service man found that the oven had NOT been turned OFF ALL
THE WAY and gas was escaping but not igniting. He did a very complete check of
the pilot lights, the meter, and all gas feeds. He informed us the entire unit
needs a complete maintenance service. The gas company no longer does this. Does
anyone know of a company that does?
Thanks, Bro. Karl
September 26, 2011
Brethren, Even though the second degree had to be cancelled some
brethren wanted a practice anyway. So a practice was held at 7:00 P.M.. VWB
Thomas Dow our District Deputy, VWB Roy Hammonds, and WB Dale Thompson all from
Parkland-Lakewood #299 arrived to attend the second degree and ended up giving
very valuable assistance to the practice. It was very instructional and we
(Henry A. Greene #250) owe these visiting brothers many thanks.
Please do not forget our stated as we have first degrees to confer.
Fraternally, Bro. Karl for WB Dalton
July 9, 20111 Brethren who want to meet on the 4th monday of the month so they can practice 1st degree and their new station in the lodge please come. Meet on July 25 and Aug. 22, 2011 at about 7:30 pm The work on the outside of the lodge is still ongoing but it already looks much better! We still have a lot to do around the lodge though and would appreciate any and all help; even if it's donating a rake for the day. If there's anything major that you think needs to be done then contact the Temple Board president, RWB Karl Reith, and let him know. Or send us an email and it'll get passed along to RWB Karl. July 5, 2011 and From the Desk of the Temple Board President:
Brethren, The work party is still on. HOWEVER, it will have
to be all outside work as the building has been rented!!! Thanks to
WB Ernie an outside group is renting the building on the 9th.
There is plenty of outside work to be done and everyone
should be able to be on their way home around noon.
Bros. Hamilton and Yeager would have put on a breakfast,
however, the rental group will be setting up for there event. The
last breakfast was a good one and hopefully they will be willing to
reschedule one for us in the near future!!!
Please add heavy duty pruners and grass rakes to the
previous list.
July 9th, 0900 hrs., outside work party!
Hope to see you all there.
Fraternally, Bro. Karl R.
July 2, 2011 From the Desk of the Temple Board President:
Happy, safe, and sane Fourth of July to ALL! Enjoy the
weekend and the Fourth! However, at the same time remember the many thousands
who have enabled us to do so!!!
PLEASE do not forget our Lodge WORK PARTY on the 9th at 0900 hrs.
Bring: weed whackers
chain saw
paint brushes
drop cloth
pruning shears
scrapers and sand paper to help WB Dalton work on the wall in the downstairs
ladies room
need to vac the lodge room
need to sweep and mop the downstairs
I am sure you can think of other things that need to be done and the tools that
are needed to accomplish the same.
Thanks to WB Dalton the hay field has been mowed. Also I was by this morning and
around the building has also been mowed. I suspect that was Bro. Yeager, if not
let me know and we should thank that brother also.
We will most likely will have to pick up a lot of expended fire works all over
the property as in past years.
WE "are" making progress Brothers let's stay on top of it.
See you "ALL" on the 9th at 0900hrs., even a few hours of your time will help!
Fraternally Bro. Karl R.
June 9, 201111 From the Webmaster: I attended my first Grand Lodge meeting; the 154th Annual Communication at Great Wolf Lodge in Grand Mound. Grand Lodge opened informally in order to take greetings from heads of other Masonic Orders, including our youth groups. After a short break for coffee and chit chat Grand Lodge convened in ritual fashion for the order of business. Reports from the different committees were read. Ballots were available today for those that would not be able to attend the official elections tomorrow. The Grand Master sent us all for refreshment and then called us back to labor this afternoon. There are 19 different changes that have been presented for change. These range from ritual work to budget. Today we discussed and voted on 4 of them. The work will be continued on these tomorrow. It was a fascinating day for me. I am sorry to say I won’t be able to attend tomorrow. I was given a ride today with RW Karl Reith. He will be attending the rest of Grand Lodge so we will get a report from him Monday night at Lodge on the rest of it. One last note, next year Grand Lodge will be in Vancouver, WA on June 8 and 9, mark your calendar now. May 9, 2011 Another 2nd Monday and our Lodge meeting was filled with continuing growth and inspiration. Br Richard Moulden was not here this evening and we did miss his music. Why? Well Last Thursday, May 5th, he was installed as Supreme King (Appointed Cross Officer ) of the International Order of the White Shrine Of Jerusalem or in the White Shrine words “One of the chosen 12”. He is off at OV in WA and MT this week. He will be having a reception later this year in the SEA area. Our lodge of education last month was well attended by 16 Bros… WOW this was way to cooooool!!!!!!! to say the least. It seems that HAG is getting it in gear. Don’t forget Grand Lodge is coming and I hope many of you make plans to attend. We are looking to get new programs on line for our members to enjoy allowing for fellowship other than Lodge. Our newer Bros are getting involved and trying to get the Lodge involved. Your Jobies are getting ready for Installation of Officer and four of the girls are going to Supreme Session in St Louis. Submitted L.P. April 29, 2011 From the Temple Board: Brethren, A Happy and Blessed Easter to you all! Thank you to ALL who showed up for the Lodge work party (even our new apprentice Bro. Brian Baker)!!! Because it did not rain we accomplished a LOT outside. It was not until WB John Wert and I left at 3:15, I realized all that was done. WB Jake Yakenitti and Bro. Jason from Steilacoom #2 repaired the roof over the NE corner. It was a very extensive and involved job!!! They refused compensation ("Just something we did for our Masonic Brothers") and even said they would come back to do the SW corner over the Secy., office!!! We should be thinking of SOMETHING we can do for them. It is starting to be noticed by other people that things are happening. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN!!! Your Brother, Karl R. April 20,2011 From the Temple Board : Brethren, I said at our stated meeting a notice may come on short notice. Well here it is. Gravel was dumped today in the parking lot!!! The driver spread it quite well. However, it needs a little leveling out. Please come to a work party this Sat., Apr 23rd at 9:00 A.M. If it does not rain we can 1. level out the gravel 2. pick up trash 3. 2nd coat the gang signs 4. the grass needs mowing, especially around the building Anyone with an old mower, and weed whackers? 5. the blackberries are starting to leaf out --- need cutting and spraying again 6. tree on the front of the lot needs to be cut down and stump mid-way on side needs to be cut. Anyone with a chainsaw? 7. roof needs a little more sealing over the corner leak If it does rain: 1. Let's try to do something with the downstairs floor. Even if it a sweeping and mopping. 2. continue work on walls in downstairs ladies rest room 3. vac lodge room and stairs to basement. Possible work with our 1st degree Brothers if they are there. Come early, stay as long as you can even if only for a couple of hours! THANK YOU!!!!!! April 14, 2011 From the Webmaster:
There will be a first degree at Corinthian Lodge #38 on April 21st at 7 PM. We
hope to take our newly obligated brothers to see what the degree is about, and
hope they learn something about Masonry at the same time.
Thanks to the following brothers for coming out to support and assist us on the
28th of March: April 11, 2011 From the Worshipful Master:
Another Monday has come and gone. Since our last stated meeting we have a degree
work and our pro-tems did excellent work on the 1st degree THANK YOU…. March 14 2011 From the Worshipful Master: Coming soon... Feburary 14, 2011 From the Worshipful Master: Wow another meeting with members stepping up to fill new and exciting projects.... We read 2 petitions and look to grow even more in the months and years to come. The building committee is long past talking and the improvements are noticed. If you are available to do some work the building committee has posted a list of tasks that need to be done. If you do one, cross it off the list and make sure to put your name and the date it was completed. THANK YOU to all involved. After Br Richard played hooky last month for an OES function he was back gracing our ears with his wonderful music. Br Dail (PL Lodge 299) filled in as our JW and had excellent ant comments for our meeting. Thanks Br John Wert with help from many on our web page was recognized with a GL award for Pillar of Progress / technology award. In April we will be having our widows and 50 y members banquet at Sizzlers so keep your calendar open so you can attend. (This means you Br Dan) Br Anthony finished his 3rd degree with the help of Steliacoom # 2 doing all the work Thank you #2 If you are available on the 24th Feb 7:30 PM the building committee is meeting to continue the plans for our progress Till next month be safe and keep the faith WM L Page January 31, 2011 From the Webmaster: Good news for all! We have implemented a new Image Gallery, which will be located within the Trestleboard section. This is a new feature, so please be patient as we fully install it. January 23, 2011 From the Webmaster: On Saturday January 22, 2011 the webmaster took time off to do some VERY early spring cleaning at the Lodge. We were able to wash the steps of the Lodge building. This should increase safety and definately increase beauty of the building. The pressure washer helped improve the value of the building at this time. Plans are being drafted in helping further improve the steps. If you wish to help with this and many other projects, please contact R. W. Bro Karl Reith. January 01, 2011 From the Webmaster: Welcome to the New Year! The Lodge is growing with new and old Brothers returning, seeing lots of new faces too from new members! The Worshipful Master looks like he is enjoying the lodge and the changes that have been made to the outside. Sadly, the weather has prevented us from finishing everything but the next sunny weekend above 40 degrees I will be out there cleaning up. Any Brother that is interested in helping just contact myself or RW Bro. Karl Reith to find out when we will be there. If any Brother, of this Lodge, has information they wish to be added please go to Contact Us and send me an email. I will get it updated as soon as I am able to.
December 13, 2010 From the Worshipful Master:
What an evening. We had a 2nd degree for Anthony
Gomez. We had the help of many pro-tems and I thank you all. Our district deputy
was also there to give us the support........ It was nice to have a brother
return to lodge and fill in for our ailing JW, Thanks Michael..... Building
committee has been very busy and the progress is excellent. With all this rain
our leaks are very small... Grounds cleanup is also going well........ Updates
from our webmaster were greater with enthusiasm… We are getting many positive
comments on our living web page and thank you to WB John on this one. The
webpage is only as good as information provided to John.
Phoenix #154 Lodge was out in force (9 brothers) and passed off the dirty gavel
to HAG. I happen to think it is a wonderful looking gavel and very clean at
Merry Christmas YES I said it CHRISTMAS to all and seeya next year
December 5, 2010 From the Webmaster: On November 27 we had a cleaning party and it was fun !! Cleaned the janitor's room, cleaned the trash out, cut the apple tree down and trimmed down the bushes out front. We also removed one of them; because of it's age it appeared to be dead towards the bottom. During the recent freeze the faucet on the front of the building could not take the cold causing it to break and flood the parking lot. We called in one of the brothers from another lodge, who is also a plumber, and he fixed it for us properly. It caused no damage to the building. All that's left to do is clean up the brush and bushes out front and around the building and cut down another tree. We're hoping these improvements will benefit all of the brothers in time.
November 21, 2010 From the Webmaster: I went to the lodge this week to go through the past master pictures on the wall with the intention of scanning pictures to update the website and put together a photo archive. November 12, 2010 From the Webmaster: Spent a great day cleaning the bushes and removing the apple tree. The apple tree was a great excitement for those in the neighborhood to pick its apples and toss at our lodge building, breaking windows and causing damage and costing money. With it removed, so is removed the temptation. The lockers downstairs were also cleaned up and the trash was thrown away. Old food in the locker was also thrown out. With the help of the two newest brothers, and a few of the older brothers, this project was carried out both quickly and properly. We have plan to clean up the trees and brush tomorrow, Sat. the 13th. We invite all brothers to help out, within reasons. November 8, 2010 From the Worshipful Master:
All the officers stations were filled
because the members have been getting our other members to become active once
again. It is a pleasure to serve such a Lodge, Our newest member has really
stepped up and for the first time in many years the building association has a
real look at finances, now and into the future, and needed repairs. Thank you Karl
and Anthony. GREAT WORK. If we are to get our building up to specs we will all
need to have increases in our rents to meet our obligations. Next stated meeting
we will be having a 2nd degree. Anthony Gomes will be receiving his 2nd degree.
All is well for the EAST. See ya'll next month. October 11, 2010 From the Worshipful Master: Well what a meeting we had….. I was greeted at the door by our usual members along with a candidate that was investigated last weekend. After we balloted we did a first degree. It was done very well and with only a few minutes’ notice all who participated did an excellent job. What was to be a stated meeting turned into a stated with a degree… Well we finished around 9:55 PM and everyone went for refreshments and was not in any hurry to get going…. We finely locked up around 11:30 PM. I guess a Great meeting can last long if it is worth doing. Oh, we also had an OV by our District Deputy…. So add that on to the evening. Again No one was in a hurry to leave. WOW . We are also partnering with our brother lodge that meets at our building in a community project. This is at the core of what Masonry is about Community involvement. Look for more details our community project in later writings. HAG is starting to get going above and beyond just meeting and going home. I thank very one for their dedication to HAG #250. Now that we have had music at the last 4 to 6 meetings we now are expecting it and Bro. Richard is the provider of the music and he is greatly appreciated. Well, I am off to MN. I will be back to HAG next month. WM L.P.
September 14, 2010 From the Worshipful Master: The installation of our 2010-11 officers was done by VWB Tom Dow, DDGM, District 15; VWB Don Campbell, Asst. Grand Sec.; and WB Tony Ward, JW, Terrestrial Lodge. We installed every station other than JS. Yes, we even installed a musician. WOW! We also had a stated meeting with the reading of new petitions and balloting on a prior petition. We are doing our best to grow HAG #250. I want to thank everyone who took an office elected as well as appointed. Thank you for those of you that stepped up and took appointments to committees. The temple association did a lot of work over the summer making improvements to the grounds and building. Thank you all for pitching in. Well we are at the start of a new year and I look forward to serving HAG this year. L.P.
September 12, 2010
From the Worshipful Master: L.P.
September 12, 2010
From the desk of the Worshipful Master: