AKA Information you probably didn't hear about in popular fiction

Committee Chairman Assisted by Responsibilities
Ambassador at large VWB Stanly Cybulski All members

Represent our Lodge within the Grand Jurisdiction and elsewhere. Insure the Washington State Ritual is adhered to.

Audit WB John Wert            WB E. Dalton White

Prepare Annual audits for the Worshipful Master.

Budget Worshipful Master All Elected Officers Assist in the preparation of the annual budget for the Lodge.
Business Advisor VWB Stan Cybulski WB Arland Buchanan Represent our Lodge in associated financial matters.
Funerals RWB Karl Reith All members Provide the nucleus for the funeral team.
Installation Program WB Arland Buchanan Worshipful Master Elect To assist the Lodge in the annual installation program.
Lodge set up   All members

Provide the Lodge setup before all meetings at degree work.

Membership WB Arland Buchanan All members To promote new membership for the Lodge.
Refreshments   Jr. & Sr. Stewards

Provide refreshments for all designated meetings of the Lodge.

School program WB Arland Buchanan  

Provide interfaces with the schools who represent nominees for the annual Awards Program.

Sickness and Distress Chaplain All members

Provide timely notice of Ill and recovering members to the Lodge.

Trestleboard WB John Wert WB E. Dalton White
WB Arland Buchanan
All Brothers within the Lodge
Provide a quarterly informational release of Lodge Information and activities.
Ways and Means WB Arland Buchanan All members Fundraisers for the Lodge.
Web site WB John Wert WB Arland Buchanan To establish, update, and maintain the Lodge web site.
Widows WB Ernie Smith  

Contact Widows at least two time during the Lodge year. Set a date for the Widows Dinner / Luncheon.