Welcome To Henry A Greene Lodge #250
Henry A Greene Master:: Worshipful Brother Larry Page
Henry A Greene's meetings will be the 2nd Monday of every month.
We go dark in
July and August.
(Nonmembers: Dark means No Meetings)
To the elected officers of Henry A. Greene!
The next stated meeting is October 11,2010 at 7:30.
Website Update News:
We now have our own email comments form!
You can find it on the Contact Us page,
or directly through
this link.
There will be an emergency
Board meeting on Nov. 3rd at 7:00 P. M. with ALL renters in the building.
On top of that, we have added a Chaplain's Corner
to our website as well. You can find that
on the menu bar (left side of this page), or this link.
Trestleboard Last Updated:
September 14, 2010
The Worshipful Master Asks that all Brothers come to Lodge.
you have questions or comments, you may contact Worshipful Brother John Wert.
From the Secretary's Desk:
For those of you that haven't renewed your dues card for this year, now it IS
really the time to do so!
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