What Job's Daughters is...
It is an organization for young women between the ages
of 10 and 20 who are
related to a Master Mason.
It prepares young women for civic, business, fraternal
and social activities.
It teaches love of country and obedience to its laws.
It teaches respect for parents and elders.
It teaches love of home.
What Job's Daughters is...NOT
It is not a religion or creed.
It is not a political organization.
It is not a charity organization.
It is not organized for profit.
It does not dictate to any member as to her beliefs,
either religious or secular.
It is not a secret society as it does not conceal its
1st and 3rd Wednesdays for our
Regular Meetings. We are dark in July and August but like to use those dates for
Other dates (more will be coming when the girls figure out
fundraisers and promotional activities):
I think December 17th has already been requested
for our next Installation too.