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Links To Online Esoteric Books
And Articles

Felkin College Librarian

  Updated Dec2011

Hermetics.org extensive e-text archive Books for Download
Hermetics.org articles on esoterica
The Nature of the Inner and Outer World a Paper given in December 2006
Rosicrucian Fellowship Library Books in html format (classics)
Rudolf Steiner His books online in html
The Truth of Myth  A Paper Given in May 2006
" Breath"  A Paper Given in August 2006
The Inner and Outer World A Paper Given in August 2005
The Basic Qabalah An Address Presented by    V.W. Fra. Merv Gollan VIIš August 200
Atheist Spirituality Paper delivered to the  Felkin College, SRIAFra. J. C. Allan Io, 2010