Rosicruciana In Anglia

of New Zealand
The Aim
of the Society is to afford mutual aid and encouragement
in working out the great problems of Life, and in
discovering the Secrets of Nature; to facilitate the study
of the system of Philosophy which was inculcated by the
original Fratres Roseæ Crucis, AD1450; and to investigate
the meaning and symbolism of all that now remains of the
wisdom, art and literature of the ancient world. Membership is
by invitation only and is extended only to 'regular' freemasons who
have reached the degree of Master Mason.
College operates under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan
College of the Society in England which was established in
1867. Our College was named after Dr. Robert Felkin, who
was the first Chief Adept of New Zealand.
College meets in Napier, New Zealand, at the Elbourne
Masonic Centre, Taradale, four times a year, on the fourth Friday
of the months February, May, August and November. We also
hold study groups on the third Mondays of the months
March, April, June, July, September and October.
inquires concerning Felkin College, the Society in New
Zealand, or this website should be directed to the
webmasters address by clicking on the email button to the
left of this page.