News and Events
Updated on 12/27/2011
January 2012 Trestle Board
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Lodge Events
Words From The East
I want to personally wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year and may 2012 bring happiness and joy to everyone.
I hope everyone enjoyed Thomas B. Hunters’ annual
Christmas Party and thanks to everyone that came out to celebrate this
wonderful time of year, we had a great turn out along with some great
tasting food and entertainment.
Special thanks to all the Brethren that helped with the cooking
set-up and cleanup; we could not do this without your support.
Brad Hill W.M.
What Is The Lodge Of The Holy Saints John Of Jerusalem?
Bro. Carl H. Claudy says “There is not now and
never was such a Lodge. Originally, lodges were dedicated to King
Dedications to the Saints John were made by other
organizations as early as the third century, when the church adopted the
two pagan celebrations of summer and winter solstices and made them our
St. John’s Day in summer and St. John’s day in winter. It was wholly
natural for operative Masons, having dedicated their Craft to the Holy
Saints John to begin to believe that both St. Johns were themselves
Craftsmen. Craftsmen must have a
Lodge-where should that Lodge be but in Jerusalem?
Hence the Lodge of the Holy Saints John at Jerusalem came into
imaginary existence.
Today we use the phrase as a starting point for a
Masonic career. Masons mean only that their Craft is dedicated to these
holy men, whose precepts and practices, ideas and virtues, teachings and
examples, all Freemasons should try to follow.’’
Why Does Freemasonry Forbid Brethren To Ask Their Friends To Become Masons?
One of the fundamental
concepts of Freemasonry is that the application for membership must be
wholly a voluntary act. A man must seek for himself and join. Under no
other formula can men unite brethren of a thousand religious and
political beliefs.
Under no more constricting act could Freemasonry accomplish her
only end, the building of character among men. Men who become members of
a Masonic lodge for any other reason than their own desires can neither
receive nor give to
others the advantages of a wholly voluntary association.
Freemasonry is bigger than any man; the man must seek its blessings; it
never seeks the man.
Trestle Board Archives
If you have missed some of our earlier newsletters, you can view past issues via the links below:
January 2012 Trestle Board
December 2011 Trestle Board
November 2011 Trestle Board
October 2011 Trestle Board
September 2011 Trestle Board
August 2011 Trestle Board
July 2011 Trestle Board
June 2011 Trestle Board
May 2011 Trestle Board
April 2011 Trestle Board
March 2011 Trestle Board
October 2010 Trestle Board
September 2010 Trestle Board
July 2010 Trestle Board
June 2010 Trestle Board
May 2010 Trestle Board
March 2010 Trestle Board
February 2010 Trestle Board
January 2010 Trestle Board
October 2009 Trestle Board
September 2009 Trestle Board
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January Birthdays
Aubrey L. Bilbrey Jr., James W. Bowen, David L. Brown, Russell A. Clausen Jr., Jack D. Cooper, Allen D.Doverspike, Jr., James J. Ellis Sr., Clayton Fleming, Boyd Hansbro III, Dudley I. Harvey, Davis E. Hopkins, Warren S. House, Wendel T. Hulse, William L. Hundley, David John Jakstas, Johnny F. Jinks, Richard V. Keating Jr., Tommy G. Lee, W.Everett Morris, W. Ed Morris, James F. Pengelly, Reginald J. Phillips, Michael D. Poteete, Bobby J. Selft