Contact Us.
****Notice***** 12-24-09
If you have a web based email such as yahoo, hotmail, AOL, and SBC the email links will not work properly, you have to just create a new email and type the email address in. If you run a email client such as Outlook express, MS Outlook or ThunderBird. the link will work just fine.
**Sign up for our meeting reminder and newsletter.
( send an email with "newsletter" in the subject line to the email address listed below. also a good way to update the lodges data base on contact information.)
Hampton-Noble lodge main email address
Secretary Mike Marti P.M.
***Phone Numbers to members of the lodge***
PastMaster Lawrnce .............405-899-4486
Past Master Mike .................405-200-9493
Past Master Dewayne ....405-808-2699
Mailing Address:
Po Box 141
Noble, Ok 73068
Physical Address:
941 North 8th Street
Noble, Ok 73068