Emulation Lodge of Improvement 
Emulation Working takes its name from the Emulation Lodge of
Improvement, which meets at Freemasons' Hall, Great Queen Street,
weekly on Fridays from October to June. It first met 2nd October
1823 and was formed specifically for Master Masons to provide
instruction for those who wished to make themselves ready for
office and succession to the Chair. At least eight lodges were represented at
the inaugural meeting including two members from the Lodge of Unions. The Emulation Lodge of
Improvement was first sanctioned by the Lodge of Hope no. 7.
In March, 1830 it seemed likely that, following a message sent by the Grand
Master, the Duke of Sussex, to the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge held
at the beginning of the month, the Rules in the Book of Constitutions would be
tightened to require the Master or a Past Master of the sanctioning Lodge in
future to preside at every meeting of a Lodge of Instruction. At this time the
Lodge of Hope was very small, and rather weak. The members of Emulation present
at the meeting on 19th March decided to protect their position by submitting a
Memorial to the Grand Master, reciting their special circumstances as a general
Lodge of Instruction serving many Lodges and not just the sanctioning Lodge, and
praying the Grand Master to grant them his special licence for the future. The
Grand Master, through the Grand Secretary, declined to grant such a licence, and
the members of Emulation therefore felt it prudent to seek sanction from a
stronger Lodge. They chose the Lodge of Unions, to which several members of
Emulation then belonged and which has remained the sponsoring Lodge to this day.
The ritual forms for use in the United Grand Lodge of England
were produced by the Lodge of Reconciliation and were approved
and confirmed by Grand Lodge in June 1816. These have formed the
basis of Emulation Working since its inception in 1823. It has
been the policy of the committee of the Emulation Lodge of
Improvement to preserve the ritual as nearly as possible in the
form in which it was approved by Grand Lodge, allowing only those
changes approved by Grand Lodge to become established practice.
Due to the fact that Grand Lodge took the view that the
ritual should not be committed to print, oral repetition formed
the means of transmission. It was not until 1969 that the
Emulation Lodge of Improvement sponsored publication of the first
edition of the "Emulation Ritual".
An Emulation Silver Matchbox is awarded to a Brother who works a Masonic
Ceremony according to Emulation Ritual without prompt or correction. For more
information visit the Emulation Lodge of
Improvement website