Michael E. Hicks
2011 • Excellent High Priest • 2012
Jackson Chapter No. 3
Royal Arch Masons
Officers of Jackson Chapter No. 3, Royal Arch Masons
2011- 2012
Office |
Officer |
High Priest | Michael E. Hicks |
King | Adam W. Wygant |
Scribe | Marcus U, Blue, Jr |
Treasurer | Dale D. Brown |
Secretary | Ronald L. Spees |
Captain of the Host | Stephen D. Vining |
Principal Sojourner | Thomas E. Royce |
Royal Arch Captain | Dale D. Brown |
Master of the 3rd Veil | R. Todd Rubert |
Master of the 2nd Veil | Joe R. Poston |
Master of the 1st Veil | Eric J. Cole |
Sentinel | George M. Otis |