Non Masons - New Masons
This Section Is For You.
Masonry is:
It is a voluntary association
of men
It is a system of moral conduct
It is a way of life
It is a fraternal society
It is religious in its character
It teaches the Golden Rule
It seeks to make good men
better men
It teaches morality through
It uses rites and ceremonies
to instruct its members
It is based on a firm belief in
the Fatherhood of God, The
Brotherhood of Man, and
the immortality of the Soul.
- From The Grand Lodge of Texas -
What Masonry is not:
It does not solicit members
It is not an insurance or
benefit society
It is neither a religion nor a
creed nor a religious order
It is not a charity organization,
but makes charity a duty
It is not organized for profit
It dictates to no man as to his
beliefs, either religious or
It seeks no advantages for its
member through business or
It is not a forum for discussion
of religion, politics or other
partisan affairs
It is not a secret society, as it
does not conceal its existence
or purposes
 Christian Responses To Anti-Masons
Have You Been Waiting For An Invitation To
Join A Lodge.
Freemasonry Or Masonry
What Is It Really All About?
What is Freemasonry all about? What is the purpose? What do they do? What do
they get out of it? If you want to get the real skinny on being a Mason
Click Here
For All Kind
Of Faqs About Masonry
A Sad Story, The Disruption Of A Community
Professional Anti-Masons
The Beginnings Of Modern Freemasonry
Nazis and Fascists And the Masonic Lodge
Famous Masons From All Walks Of Life
Consider This, Things To Ponder About Masonry
Dear Dad, A Personal Story
Non Masons Please read this one
2 b 1 ask 1
TO BE ONE, ASK ONE. If you would like to know more
about the Masonic Lodge, or if you think you would like to become a Mason, you
will have to ask a Mason. No one is ever invited to become a Mason.
Masonic Questions And Answers
These questons and answers are from past and future issues of The Hempstead
Masonic Lodge #749 A F and A M Newsletter. They were written for new Masons,
Masonic wives and children, and Non-Masons. However, it wouldn't hurt any of us
to read them again.
Why the Square?
Why do we use the term Worshipful Master?
Is Masonry anti-Christian?
Why is Freemasonry a secret organization?
No, Then Why the Secrecy in Masonry?
Is Freemasonry a cult?
Why Symbolism?
Why The Holy Saints John
Is Masonry "guilty" of teaching toleration?
There have been 14 United States Presidents who were
Masons Prior To Or During Their Terms in Office.
George Washington (Pres. 1789-1797)
William McKinley (Pres. 1897-1901)
James Monroe (Pres. 1817-1825)
Theodore Roosevelt (Pres.
Andrew Jackson (Pres. 1829-1837)
William H. Taft (Pres.
James K. Polk (Pres. 1845-1849)
Warren G. Harding (Pres. 1921-1923)
James Buchanan (Pres. 1857-1861)
Franklin D. Roosevelt (Pres.
Andrew Johnson (Pres. 1865-1869)
Harry S. Truman (Pres. 1945-1953)
James A. Garfield (Pres. 1881)
Gerald R. Ford (Pres.
Did you know that at times during the "War Between The States" brotherhood was
more important then bloodshed.
Masons from both sides sometime called a truce and stopped fighting long enough
to join together and bury a fallen Masonic Brother???
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Free To Use.
All material in this site may be used
to educate everyone, Masons and
non-Masons alike about Freemasonry