A: The real reason, one that every Mason discovers and Non-Masons don't want to hear, is that Freemasonry is not a secret organization.
If the Masonic Lodge was really a secret organization, no one but the Masons would know that it even existed. Every Masonic Lodge has a sign on the outside of the building that states the time and day of the meetings. Many Lodges also have a sign at the city limits advertising the time and location of the meetings. Many Lodges also have the meetings advertised in the newspapers. So much for being a so called "Secret Organization".
Do Masonic Lodges have secrets? NO they do not. Do Masons tell what goes on during their their meetings and ceremonies? No, they do not Don't those last 2 statements form a contradiction? No they do not, because descriptions, words, grips and signs have been published in various books for the past 250 years. They can be repeated by anyone who takes the trouble to do some research. How can something be a secret when anyone may know it.
Reading a cook book reveals all of the "secrets" of cooking, but you have to actually cook the recipe to taste the food. By the same token, a person has to be prepared in order to grasp their meaning, to see their significance, to hear their message.
Much is made, by Non-Masons, of "Secret Oaths" to keep the secrets of Masonry when a man is initiated. Silence, not secret is what the Entered Apprentice actually promises to observe. What secrets does he know ? .... none ! So it is not keeping secrets that matters, but only being able to keep silent.
Almost any man who desires to "Learn the teachings of Masonry" is welcomed. If he is of good moral character and believes in God, all he has to do is ask a mason for a petition to become a Mason. No one asks you to go any further then you want to go.
The real, so called "Secret" teachings of Masonry should have been learned from your mother's knee when you were a small child.