Hagerstown Masonic Temple
Masonic Bodies
Lodge No. 84,
A.F. & A.M.
Chapter No. 27, R.A.M.
Council No. 16, R. & S.M.
Bernard Commandery No. 9, K.T.
Esther Chapter No. 3, O.E.S.
Bethel No. 26, Jobs Daughters
of Managers,
Masonic Temple Association
• Information for Renting the
• "All You Can Eat" Spaghetti Dinner
Directions to the Masonic Temple
Links to Other Sites
Masonic Information
What's A Mason?
Who Are The Masons?
And What Do They Do?
Famous Masons
To The New Mason's Lady
to Brother
Royal Arch Masonry
Cryptic Masons
Purpose & Activities
of the Knights Templar
Masonic Charities
Royal Arch Research Assistance
Cryptic Masons Medical
Research Foundation
54 South Potomac Street
From Interstate 70
Take Exit 32
West (U.S. Route 40) towards Hagerstown which becomes West Franklin
Street. Go approximately 3.5 miles. Turn left onto North Potomac Street and go two blocks. The Masonic
Temple is on the left just before the traffic light at Antietam Street.
From Interstate 81
Take Exit
East (U.S. Route 40) towards Hagerstown which is West Washington Street.
Go approximately 1.5 miles. Turn right onto South Potomac Street and go one block. The Masonic Temple
is on the left just before the traffic light at Antietam Street.