Candidate Education 

Manuals for the Degrees
Three educational manuals, one for each degree, review the basic principles and philosophies of our degrees.
The intent of these manuals is twofold: first, to provide the new member of Masonry with more information about the Fraternity, its structure, practices and symbolism; and second, to offer suggestive approaches for further research if one is so inclined. We feel that there is not only a great need for this type of information but also a great desire for it as well.
Masonic education begins with the rituals. After that, the newly made Mason is given the Ritual Book for personal study. For some this is enough, but for others it is not. These manuals provide the next logical step for the student of the mysteries of Masonry. It is not our purpose here to repeat what is contained within our Rituals or in the Ritual Book, but to stimulate the mind and provoke further research by offering a variety of approaches to consider.

Bro. Hector Plaud 32°
for Franklin Lodge No. 447 F. & A. M. by NetSys
Engineering Corp.