Candidate Education 

Entered Apprentice
- Appertaining
- belonging to, or connected with, as a rightful part or attribute; relating to
- Archives
- a place in which records and historical documents and items are preserved
- Bade
- told; ordered; requested; directed
- Cable's Length (or Length of Cable Tow)
- a maritime unit of length; about 100 fathoms or 600 feet
- Cable Tow
- a twisted rope, usually of cotton or synthetic material, used symbolically to bind or make fast; originally a particularly strong rope
- Cardinal
- of basic importance; main; primary; essential; principal
- Circumscribe
- to draw a line around; to limit in range of activity definitely and clearly
- Circumspection
- carefulness in considering all circumstances and possible consequences
- Clad
- covered or clothed
- Conduce
- to lead or tend to a particular and desirable result
- Corporeal
- having, consisting or, or relating to, a physical material body; not intangible
- Divested
- to deprive or take away from; to undress or remove clothing, ornaments or equipment
- Due
- proper; according to accepted standards or procedures
- Engrave
- to cut figures or letters into wood or metal
- Equivocation
- to avoid committing oneself to what one says; uncertainty; uncertain or questioning disposition or mind
- Etch
- to produce as a pattern on a hard service by eating into the material's surface as with acid or a laser beam
- Fellow
- a member of a group having common characteristics; an associate; an equal in rank or power or character
- Fortitude
- strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger, or bear pain or adversity, with courage
- Guttural
- of, or having to do with, or involving the throat
- Hele
- to hide or conceal; to cover; to keep out of view
- Hoodwink
- a blindfold
- Hoodwinked
- blindfolded
- House Not Made With Hands, Eternal in the Heavens
- that which lies beyond death; heaven (II Corinthians 5:1)
- Immemorial
- extending or existing since beyond the reach of memory, record or tradition
- Impart
- to give; to communicate knowledge of something; to make known; tell; relate
- Indict
- to write down; to put down in writing
- Intrinsic
- belonging to a thing by its very nature; the essential nature or constitution of a thing; inherent; in and of itself
- Invest
- to give; to furnish; to clothe
- Inviolate
- not broken or disregarded; not told to others; respected Light knowledge or understanding
- Manual
- of, or having to do with, or involving the hands
- Mystery
- the secret or specialized practices or ritual peculiar to an occupation or a body of people; rites or secrets known only to those initiated
- Passions
- great emotion; the emotions as distinguished from reason; powerful or compelling feelings or desires
- Pectoral
- in, on, or of the chest
- Pedal
- of, or relating to, the foot or feet
- Precepts
- a principal or instruction intended especially as a general rule of action
- Prudence
- the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason; skill and good judgement in the management of affairs or the use of resources; caution or circumspection as to danger or risk
- Saints John
- Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist, the two ancient patron saints of Freemasonry
- Shod
- wearing footgear, with shoes on
- Steady
- constant in feeling, principle, purpose or attachment; dependable; firm in intent showing little variation or fluctuation; unwavering; resolute
- Subdue
- to bring under control especially by an exertion of the will; to reduce the intensity or degree of; tone down
- Superfluity
- excess; unnecessary; immoderate, especially living habits or desires
- Superfluous
- exceeding what is needed; excess; extra; not needed; unnecessary
- Temperance
- moderation in action, thought or feeling; self-restraint; a habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions; moderation in, or abstinence from, the use of intoxicating substances
- Tongue of Good Report
- having a good reputation; those who know you report that you are a good man; a credit to yourself and to society
- Usual Vocation
- your job; the manner in which you make your living
- Vouch
- assert; affirm; attest; to verify; to supply supporting testimony; to support as being true
- Vouchsafe
- to grant or furnish; to give by way of reply
- Warden
- an official having care or charge of some administrative aspect or an organization or some special supervisory duties; a British term used in the Episcopal Church and at various colleges and in government functions
- Worshipful
- notable; distinguished; worthy of respect; a British term used as a title for various persons or groups of rank or distinction
- Admonish
- to caution advise or counsel against; to express warning or disapproval; to give friendly, earnest advice and encouragement
- Artificer
- a skilled or artistic worker or craftsman; one who makes beautiful objects
- Beneficent
- doing or producing good
- Bourne
- boundaries; limits
- Brazen
- made of brass
- Candor
- freedom from bias, prejudice or malice; fairness; impartiality
- Capital
- the uppermost part of a column
- Chapiter
- an alternate, and earlier, form of the word capital
- Column
- a supporting pillar consisting of a base, a cylindrical shaft and a capital
- Composite
- one of the five orders of architecture, combining the Corinthian and Ionic styles
- Conflagration
- fire, especially a large, disastrous fire
- Contemplate
- to look at attentively and thoughtfully; to consider carefully
- Contrive
- to devise; to plan; to invent or build in an artistic or ingenious manner
- Corinthian
- one of the three classical (Greek) orders of architecture - the most ornamented of the three. Originated in the City of Corinth in Greece.
- Cubit
- an ancient unit of linear measure, approximately 18 inches in today's measure
- Depressed
- underneath; lower than its surroundings
- Discerning
- showing insight and understanding; excellent judgement
- Dispersed
- scattered; spread widely
- Diurnal
- recurring every day; having a daily cycle
- Doric
- one of the three classical (Greek) orders of architecture - the oldest and simplest of the three, originated in an area of ancient Greece known as Doris
- Edifice
- a building, especially one of imposing appearance or size
- Ephraimites
- members of one of the twelve tribes of Israel, descended from Ephraim, one of the sons of Jacob
- Homage
- respect or reverence paid or rendered; expression of high regard
- Injunction
- an order or requirement placed upon someone by a superior
- Inundation
- to overflow with water; a flood
- Ionic
- one of the three classical (Greek) orders of architecture, originated in an area of ancient Greece known as Ionia
- Judicious
- having, exercising or characterized by sound judgement; discrete; wise
- Naphtali
- one of the sons of Jacob, brother of Joseph, and a founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel
- Novitiate
- a beginner; a novice
- Palliate
- to try to conceal the seriousness of an offense by excuses and apologies; to moderate the intensity of; to reduce the seriousness of; to relieve or lessen without curing
- Pilaster
- an upright architectural member that is rectangular in plan and is structurally a pier, but is architecturally treated as a column; it usually projects a third of its width or less from the wall
- Pommel
- a ball or knob
- Reprehend
- to voice disapproval of; to express an attitude of unhappiness and disgust
- Salutary
- producing a beneficial effect; remedial; promoting health; curative; wholesome
- Severally
- one at a time; each by itself; separately; independently
- Summons
- a written notice issued for an especially important meeting of a Lodge; the written notice or requirement by authority to appear at a place named
- Superfice
- a geometrical object which is of two dimensions and exists in a single plane
- Superstructure
- anything based on, or rising from, some foundation or basis; an entity, concept or complex based on a more fundamental one
- Tuscan
- one of the five orders of architecture, originated in the Tuscany area of southern Italy
- Undiscovered Country From Whose Bourne No Traveler Returns
- that which lies beyond death; the afterlife (Shakespeare, Hamlet: Act III, Scene 1)
- Vicissitudes
- the successive, alternating or changing phases or conditions of life or fortune; ups and downs; the difficulties of life; difficulties or hardships which are part of a way of life or career
Master Mason
- Approbation
- approval, commendation or praise; a formal or official act of approval
- Brute creatures
- animals at their birth; anything non-human in its infancy
- Cleaves
- comes apart from; separates into distinct parts; divides; to part or split especially along a natural line or division
- Dotage
- a decline of mental faculties associated with old age; a state or period of senile decay marked by decline of mental poise and alertness
- Emulation
- ambitious rivalry; ambition or desire to equal or excel others in achievement
- Fiat
- an authoritative decree, sanction or order; a command or act of will that creates something without, or as if without, further effort; an arbitrary decree or order
- Hecatomb
- 100 oxen or cattle (in ancient Greece a public sacrifice of 100 oxen to the gods in thanks for some great discovery, event or victory)
- Imbrue
- stain; soak; drench
- Injunction
- a warning, order, direction or instruction
- Seraph
- an order of angels; one of the 6-winged angels standing in the presence of God
- Speculative
- theoretical rather than practical; involving, or based on, intellectual questioning and curiosity; marked by meditating or pondering on a subject
- Sublime
- lofty, grand or exalted in thought; expression or manner; of outstanding spiritual, intellectual or moral worth; tending to inspire awe
- Zeal
- enthusiasm; diligence; eagerness and great interest in pursuit of something
Defined by Grand Lodge
- Ballot
- a secret vote by balls and cubes or in writing
- Clandestine
- not recognized by the Grand Lodge of New York
- Constituent
- a Lodge chartered by, or under dispensation from, a Grand Lodge
- Demit
- a document, bearing the seal of a Lodge and attested to by the Secretary, terminating membership
- Fraternal Intercourse
- activities that promote fraternalism in constituent Lodges or Masonic Youth Orders and are not prohibited by this Code
- In Good Standing
- when dues are current
- Masonic Association
- a group of Masons with common employment or profession and with a membership of not less than 25 Master Masons of this jurisdiction; in good standing
- Masonic Clothing
- white aprons
- Masonic Intercourse
- any communication involving the esoteric or secret portion of the ritual
- Masonic Organizations
- any group, chapter, order, club, association or organization requiring Masonic affiliation as a prerequisite to membership, except Masonic Lodges
- Masonic Regalia
- aprons, jewels, implements and hats appropriate to one's station or office
- Masonic Youth Orders
- International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, International Order of Job's Daughters, International Order of DeMolay
- Notice
- a call issued by the Secretary, by order of the Lodge or Master, or by other competent authority to attend or perform as specified
- Summons
- an imperative order issued by the Master, and attested to by the Secretary, or by other competent authority, to appear as specified; a trial summons is one issued for the purpose of answering Masonic charges

Bro. Hector Plaud 32°
for Franklin Lodge No. 447 F. & A. M. by NetSys
Engineering Corp.