September 23, 2002 Hello! RECENT EVENTS . . . .On Saturday night the Bethel attended the HQMCWA Ball at the Kena Temple in Fairfax. During the introductions our Honored Queen, Stacey Hampton was introduced. I am told everyone had a great time!Congratulations to Pageant candidate Danielle Heim and alternate Jenna Hampton on being chosen from our Bethel. We know you ladies will represent us well. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT . . . .We originally scheduled a visit to Bethel 52 this Tuesday night, the 24th. We will postpone this visit until October.CHAPERONE ISSUE . . . . .It has come to my attention that there have been some issues lately with daughters listening to their chaperones. I have also been told of disrespect by daughters toward their chaperones. Ladies, the chaperones are there to look out for your well-being. They make the decisions for your welfare, safety and comfort. They are to be respected and obeyed at all times. There has also been some confusion as to when the chaperones job is finished: it is not over until every daughter has been picked up by their ride and has safely left the activity. A chaperone's job DOES NOT end when the activity is over. I am extremely grieved to hear about the disrespect toward an adult by the daughters. This is not what Job's Daughters teaches. Remember, when you took your obligation on your Initiation night, you promised to respect the wishes of your parents and guardians. This is not just something that you say - it is something that must be practiced. If this type of behavior continues, the daughter(s) in question will not be permitted to attend Job's Daughters activities.ON TAP FOR THIS WEEK . . . .Tonight is the council meeting/line officers meeting at the Groner's house at 7 p.m. If you cannot attend, please give me a call or drop me an email.On Saturday, there will be a School of Instruction at Bethel 1's place at 9 a.m. Bethel 1 will be providing hot dogs. They have asked that each Bethel donate something toward the lunch. Bethel 22 signed up to bring several bags of chips. Please bring your bag with you when you attend the school. 5 participation points will be awarded to those to attend the School of Instruction. After lunch, the Jobies will be attending the Zoo. Also on Saturday, Northern Neck is having their installation at 5 p.m. in King George, VA. We will need to leave by at least 2:30-2:45 in order to get there on time. Dress is formal. Stay tuned to hear where we are meeting. On Sunday, Bethel 1 is having their Grand Visitation at 3 p.m. at the Arlington Masonic Lodge. Calling will go out this week - - PLEASE make sure you tell your line officer whether or not you can attend all of these activities. If you do not hear from your line officer by Wednesday: call your line officer, the Honored Queen or Mom Melanie. YARD SALE . . . . . .Please donate any unused/unwanted/grown-out-of items to the Yard Sale on October 5. Please have prices on your items when you arrive. All monies earned during this Yard Sale will benefit the "Bethel 22 to Chicago" fund.COMING SOON . . . .
SUNSHINE . . . .Happy Birthday to Mom Linda Abbott (9/24) and Mom Emily Groner (9/25)!!!!HALLOWEEN ANNOUNCEMENT. . . .This is just a reminder to be saving your PB and J jars for Dad James to use in the Haunted House. Bring your jars to Bethel meetings and other Job's Daughter functions. The more he collects, the better!IN TUNE WITH 22 . . .Have you been to a concert lately? Have you attended some sort of musical activity? Well, bring your ticket stubs/programs/something from the event to Mom Mona to receive your points for this competition. The person with the most points at the end of the contest will win a musical prize . . . .T-SHIRT CONTEST . ..Reminder that your Bethel t-shirt designs are to due to Mom Melanie on or before October 6. The winning design will win a prize . . .PAGEANT ADS . . .If you are designing an ad for the Pageant booklet, all designs are due to me by Oct. 6. You are welcome to submit your own ads, or if you know someone who owns a business - you are welcome to secure an ad there. Make as many copies as you need of the Pageant Ad form.TO THE CANDIDATE AND ALTERNATE . . . .Reminder that I need your biographies and medical form by October 6.QUOTE OF THE WEEK . . . ."We are taught the triumph of the faith in God as we journey through life."See you all soon, ~*~Mom Melanie~*~
Copyright © 2001 [Bethel 22, Alexandria, Virginia, International Order of Job's Daughters]. All rights reserved. Revised: [JWS] 101 Callahan Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22301 E-mail: URL: . | ![]() |
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