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November 18, 2002
On Saturday the girls all gathered at Chuck E. Cheese for a surprise going away party for Kori Thompson. (She was VERY surprised . . . Thanks to her mom for helping us plan it!) We ate pizza, played games, ate cupcakes and opened gifts. Everyone really had a great time - and it meant a lot to Kori to have her Jobie sisters be there for her.
Thank you to those who came out to our Spaghetti dinner on Sunday. A special thank you to Mom Schock, Mom Lanham, Mom Wendy and Mom Mona who worked hard in the kitchen! Thank you to Mom Lanham and Mom Abbott who stayed behind from the meeting, cleaned up the dinner and set up for the ice cream social.
WEDNESDAY: Dad Mertz's last meeting as Worshipful Master at John Blair Lodge AND the homecoming for the newest District Deputy Grand Master, Dad Matt Szramoski (PABG of 22). We have been asked to serve the dinner. Arrive by 5 p.m. in dresses and skirts. NO PANTS. Plan to be picked up between 8 and 8:30. The dinner is at the Scottish Rite Temple in Alexandria (where we sell Christmas trees.)
SATURDAY: Help the Homeless Walkathon in Washington, D.C. Meet at the Temple at 7 a.m. Bring $15 if you are under 25 and $25 if you are over 25 for your registration fee. Also, bring money for the metro. We will be taking the King St. Metro to the Smithsonian stop, where registration is. After the walkathon, we will be going back to the Schoonmaker's house to make cards for Henry Lodge and for our grandmother.
COMING SOON . . . ..
Nov. 27 - Movie night at the Spita's. Arrive between 6-7 p.m. Ends at 11 p.m.
- Nov. 30 - Pageant. Leaving from the CVS parking lot at the Springfield Plaza (on Old Keene Mill Rd. - same place as last year) at noon.
- Dec. 1 - Supreme Visitation/NO BETHEL MEETING
Expect a phone call THIS WEEK from Dad James or Mom Melanie. We need to know EVERYONE'S shift dates by THIS WEDNESDAY. We have to tell Dad Matt at the Lodge meeting on Wednesday.
Sell your wreaths!! I need to know how many you sold the day before Thanksgiving. Expect phone calls from Mom Melanie on that day. Wreaths and Garland will be delivered Thanksgiving weekend.
IN TUNE WITH 22 . . .
Have you gone to a concert lately? Did you save your program? How about that ticket stub? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions - see Mom Mona ASAP. You could receive credit for the In Tune With 22
program. At the end of the term, which is coming faster than you realize,
you could be the winner of a really cool, musical prize. See Mom Mona for more details.
Nov. 13 was Kori Thompson's Birthday
- Nov. 16 was Dad Mertz's Birthday
- Nov. 22 is Mom Heim's Birthday
- Nov. 30 is Mom Mona's Birthday
Our grandmother at the Masonic Home in Richmond had a bad fall recently and hurt her him. After the walkathon on Saturday, we will be making cards for her - she would love to hear from the Bethel!
At the next Bethel meeting, Kasey will be collecting any goods that you would like to donate to Good Will. Bring your unwanted treasures to the meeting to help out with this worthwhile project. If you have questions, see Kasey or Mom Melanie.
"Hold high the aim and name of Job's Daughters. . . . ."
See you on Wednesday!
~*~Mom Melanie~*~
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Copyright © 2001 [Bethel 22, Alexandria, Virginia, International Order of Job's Daughters]. All rights reserved.
101 Callahan Drive, Alexandria, Virginia 22301
E-mail: james187va@aol.com
URL: http://www.mastermason.com/bethel22va/