September 3, 2002 I hope everyone had a safe and happy Labor Day weekend! To the daughters: Welcome back to School! RECENT ACTIVITIES . . . .A few young ladies attending the Heroes of '76 summer picnic this past Thursday and served the men dinner. Also, the daughters helped the Tall Cedars raise money on Labor Day for M.D.ON TAP FOR THIS WEEK . . .Mom Groner has graciously opened up her home for a Craft Making party on September 7 (Saturday) from 1-6. The purpose of this craft making party is to make crafts for the Bethel to sell at the Burke Centre festival, which is on September 14 and 15. We need a better turn-out than last time. The adults cannot make all the items you wish to sell - - and if things are not made we will be VERY embarrassed. We are financially obligated to attend this festival - - it will be a wonderful time to talk to people about Job's Daughters and also make some money.If you would like to add to the items being sold . . . we are also having a bake sale there. The items you bring for the bake sale MUST be home-made. We will get in serious trouble and asked to leave the festival if we bring food items that are not home-made. Tell your line officer or send me an email to tell us what you will be bringing. Yes, you may bring multiple items. In fact, that is STRONGLY encouraged! There will be a Bethel meeting this Sunday, September 8 at 6 p.m. We will install some council at that meeting. Stacey Hampton will call those who are to be providing refreshments. COMING SOON . . . .September 14/15 (9-6): Burke Centre Festival -- RAIN OR SHINE!!!SUNSHINE . . . . .If you know someone that is having a birthday, needs a pick-me-up, or anything along those lines . . . .let the following people know: Mom Melanie, Stacey or Mom Wendy and we'll be glad to get something out to those folks!VERY IMPORTANT . . . . .If you have changed any of the following information, email me ASAP with your corrected information: address, phone number, email address . . . . I need updated information for the Bethel directory.
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