16 2012 - Veterans Night - a wounded vet from the Viet Nam
conflict, will be giving a short talk on the US Military. This
is an open meeting so bring your ladies or anyone who you feel
would enjoy this. Pot Luck Dinner at 6:30pm
17 2012 - Spaghetti Dinner - 7:30 at the Lodge. Come and enjoy
"WB Jim Stear's Nearly World Famous Spaghetti
30 2012 - We will be having an Awards Night / Potluck to honor
our 25, 30, 35, 40, and 50 members. This will be an open meeting
so please bring your family. Dinner at 6:00 and Awards at 7:00
our DDGM will be with us.
7 2012 - Regular stated meeting / Preparation for Installation
of Officers.
9 2012 - Starting at 1PM is our annual Christmas Party, complete
with Magician Gary Morton, and a stop from The Big Man In Red!
Bring a covered dish and lots of kids -Meat and beverages will
be provided by the lodge.
14 2012 - Annual Installation of Officers. Installation will be
open starting with Dinner at at 6PM and Installation starting at
We would
like to extend an invitation to all our Brethren to attend
Lodge. It doesn't matter if you have not been there for a long
time or not sure if you remember all the signs. The officers and
sideline brothers will help you and make you feel like home.
Remember that feeling the night you joined how wonderful it felt
to be among your brothers enjoying their company, come to Lodge
and rejuvenate that feeling, it is still there in the lodge if
you participate. If you don't drive at night or in bad weather
we would be more then happy to pick you up and return you back
home. |
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