Terre Haute Lodge 19, F & AM
Worshipful Master, David M Peter
April 2005 Message
My Brothers,
Don't forget our stated meeting, Thursday, May 5, 2005. We
will schedule work for the month of May at this time.
Upcoming events for the month of May:
- Warden's Workshop at Spencer 95 on May 7th.
- Grand Lodge Communications, May 17 and May 18, Indianapolis
Our website has received quite a few awards from other Masonic
Lodges. If you haven't visited our awards page, take a
look and see what others think of our humble presence on the web.
If you know of a brother who has not been to lodge in a while, invite
him back. Give him a call. Offer to pick him up and bring him with you.
On Saturday, April 30th, we will have our monthly "Clean the
Temple." Meet with us at 7:30 a.m., help us clean our Masonic
Temple, and enjoy some great fellowship.
And don't forget to support YOUR local lodge by participating in the
Masonic License Plate Program. Click
here for an application.
Together we can have an extremely successful year! And, we have had a
wonderful year!
- In January:
- we conferred the Fellowcraft Degree
- attended Founder's Day (WM, SW, Sec)
- attended the Secretary's Conference (WM, SW, Sec)
- visited Jerusalem Lodge 99 for an Entered Apprentice Degree, and a
Fellowcraft Degree
- In February:
- we visited and participated in a Master Mason Degree at Spencer 95
- visited and participated in a Master Mason Degree at Bridgeton 169
- conducted a Memorial Service for a Brother
- conferred a Master Mason Degree (see
the picture)
- presented a 50 Year Award of Gold
- visited and participated in a Fellowcraft Degree at Riley 390
- visited and participated in a Fellowcraft and Master Mason Degree
at Jerusalem 99
- In March:
- we attended the Area Conference (WM)
- visited and participated in an Entered Apprentice Degree at Clay
City 562
- conducted four Memorial Service
- presented a 50 Year Award of Gold
- visited and participated in an Entered Apprentice Degree at
Jerusalem 99
- visited and participated in a Master Mason Degree at Riley 390
- visited Flat Rock #348, in Flat Rock Illinois for a Master Mason
- In April:
- we visited and participated in an Entered Apprentice Degree at
Vigo 29
David M. Peter, PM