Attention --- Blue Lodge - 2nd Thurs @ 7:30 PM
Links Page/Events

Feast of St John Dec 27th @ 6:30

Stated Meetings
Eastern Star - 2nd Monday @ 7:00PM
Rainbow - 1st & 3rd Mon @ 7:00 PM
DeMolay - 1st & 3rd Wed @ 7:00 PM
York Rite - 2nd Tuesday @ 7:30 PM
Blue Lodge CRAFT CLUB meets Every Thurs.
(We could all use a little practice.)
York Rite Chap & Council - 2nd Tues @ 7:00 PM
York Rite Commandry (B-town) 4th Tuesday @ 7:00
Attention --- Blue Lodge - 2nd Thurs @ 7:30 PM
Try the forums link. There is something for
everyone in there. This forum is national and even international in scope.
This is where a lot of new lodge proposals and programs are