06/10 - 05/11:
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Each year our Worthy Matron makes selections for her year in office. The selections for the Worthy Matron for this year are contained below and include her Motto, the Emblem for the year, Colors, Scripture Reading, as well as her fun motto. Enjoy!
Annajean Patrick
Gregory Hample
"Let Your Light So Shine"
Green and Teal
In this day of email, it is a terrific way to keep in touch with everyone, so if you have an email address, please let the Secretary know so that she can update her records. This way we can include you in our email list mailings and you can be updated quickly on upcoming events in our chapter and in the district. It's a great way to keep in touch and know what is going on at any given time. For those of you who have access to the internet, you can also check this web page for any changes or updates to the itinerary.
Every year we try to keep our address book updated, but it is not always possible to have it 100 percent correct unless we hear from you and you give us your new address. Please inform the secretary of any change in address or phone number so that we can have the most up-to-date address book that we can. Sister Pat Woodhead, our secretary, will be more than happy to make any corrections needed so that we can get an updated address book printed out. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
For those who still rely on the old fashioned telephone or U.S. Mail, if you hear or know of a Sister or a Brother who needs us, please call our Secretary and she will pass the word on to the rest of us. Thanks and stay well!
In Star Love,
Annajean Patrick,
Worthy Matron for Signet Chapter for 2010-11
Our Ways & Means projects and Socials are open to everyone — Members, Family, and Friends. We appreciate and thank you for your support.