Russell Lodge #284



Jamestown, Kentucky


Russell Lodge #284


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District 22

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Russell Lodge #284

Jamestown, Kentucky

Was chartered on August 31, 1854 with eight officers


Wm. N Fishback, Master

Wm. D. Blair, Senior Warden

John A. Leveridge, Junior Warden

M.D. Straub, Secretary

Lewis Irwin, Treasurer

Joseph Holt, Senior Deacon

Wm. Irwin, Junior Deacon

D. T. KcKean, Stewart and Tyler

Master Masons

George Bryan              N. B. Stone             James Stone               H. R. Ryan

Thomas Gann               A. M. Rowe              Salathiel Coffee           Isham Rolin

           A. C. Meadows         Proctor B. Hays         Thomas P. Jefferies       William Lucas         William Green 

 Fellow Crafts

Mosses Higginbotham            William Payne                  Daniel Barger

Entered Apprentices

John Price            Franklin Pierce

The lodge went defunct in July 10, 1886 and was rechartered in October 3,1890 with the same name and lodge number.

Over the years a few lodges have consolidated with Russell lodge. They were Friendship lodge # 474 at Irvin's store on October 18,1888,

Russell Springs lodge #840 at Russell Springs, Kentucky on January 15, 1926, Fonthill lodge # 752 at Fonthill, Kentucky on January 13, 1932,

Eli lodge # 894 at Eli, Kentucky on October 2, 1937, and Lairsville lodge # 533 on the Cumberland river on May 16, 1950.

From it's first charter Russell lodge has had three known meeting  places. The first was over the Christian  Church in the 1800s

the second the old lodge building were the town hall is now seating, and the third is our present building that was build in 1939. 

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