Lodge History
The lodge history is an onging research project, please be
patient. This is what we have so far.
Gold Hill Lodge No. 32, Lincoln

P.L. Maxey - WM |
A. Mills - SW |
J.W. Patton - JW |
W.R.K. Devane –
Tres. |
W.S.C. Woods –
Sec. |
J.M. Bedford - SD |
J. McCarley – JD |
Unknown – Mar. |
Unknown - SS |
Unknown - JS |
R.M. Wagner - Tyler |
Including the officers there were 23 Master Masons and 2 Entered Apprentices. This lodge, as of 1898, had 41 Master Masons, including 9 Past Masters on the roll. Originally located at the small village or mining camp of Gold Hill on the Old Auburn road from Sacramento, among the shallow placer mines or dry diggings as they were termed, the population dwindling and travel diverted by the Oregon Railroad, the charter of the lodge was moved down to the town of Lincoln, where it is permanently located, with a small but steady population to maintain it. Here is manufactured the greater portion of sewer and drainage pipe, as well as tiles throughout the State, by Gladding, McBean & Co., W. Bro. Albert James Gladding, PM. And Treasurer of Gold Hill lodge, being the principal of that enterprising firm. That lodge can never complain that it is not well tyled. We wish it all prosperity in the future and expect that it will have a good time six years hence (when it will celebrate its semi-centennial anniversary) and congratulate our brethren of Gold Hill lodge No.32, in advance, for having maintained and preserved their organization so long.
We well remember Auburn Ravine and Coon Creek, when we surveyed the land in the vicinity of Lincoln in 1855-6-7, at the time Colonel Charles Lincoln Wilson located the town and laid out the railroad from Folsom to that place. He now sleeps his last sleep in Mountain View Cemetary, Oakland, California and the sewer pipe made in the town he laid out is used in the drainage of the cemetery where his ashes repose. The following is a list of officers and Past Masters:
Frederick C.
Davis - WM |
Henry D.
Fredericks - SW |
Anthony M.
Blackie - JW |
Albert J.
Gladding – Tres. |
Henry W. Bessac
– Sec. |
Walter Jansen -
SD |
John Goy – JD |
George M.
Pemberton – Mar. |
William M.
Sparks - SS |
Robert C.
Hartwick - JS |
James Wyatt - Tyler |
Thomas B.Harper
– PM |
Christopher C. Sanders – PM |
James E. Young – PM |
Edmond J. Sparks – PM |
John Haenny – PM |
Albert J. Gladding – PM |
Walter Jansen – PM |
John Gerber – PM |
Henry W. Bessac - PM |
Penrhyn Lodge No. 258, Penryn
The first preliminary meeting for the establishing of a
Masonic Lodge at Penryn, Placer County was held February 27, 1879. The following Brethren assembled in the room
over the store of Bro. Griffith:
Levant Markham |
Griffith Griffith |
William W.
Fippins |
James P. M. Phillips |
William W.
Severance |
John Owen |
Thomas Dickenson |
Peter F. Caddy |
Jacob H. Free |
Albert H. Scheutze |
William Cranley |
Ivory R. Marston |
Robert M. Rowe |
David Lloyd |
McLennan |
Matts Sundholm |
Robert W. Roberts |
John J. Hughes |
Grand Master William W. Taylor granted dispensation on November 6, 1879, and at the thirty-first Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, on October 15, 1880, a charter was granted them as Penrhyn Lodge, No. 258, with the following:
Levant Markham - WM |
James P.M. Phillips - SW |
James Dickenson - JW |
Griffith Griffith – Tres. |
James R. Little – Sec. |
Hosea Taylor - SD |
William W. Fippins – JD |
William Cranley – Mar. |
Robert W. Roberts - SS |
William W. Severance - JS |
Robert M. Rowe - Tyler |
Members: (Master Masons)
Peter F. Caddy |
Pierre C. DuBois |
Allen B. Fippins |
Jacobs H. Free |
John J. Hughes |
John Jenkin |
David Lloyd |
Charles Martin |
Alexander McLennan |
Owen R. Owens |
Albert H. Scheutze |
Matts Sundholm |
Edwin Tippett |
Ira F. White |
Henry Nelson - EA |
Ivory R. Marston - W |
John Owens - Died |
In 1898, the lodge consists of thirty Master Masons, including the following officers and past masters:
Robert W.
Roberts - WM |
Gustave A.
Deiter - SW |
John Powell - JW |
David A. Roberts
– Tres. |
George C. Boller
– Sec. |
James E. French
- SD |
Robert W. Ford –
JD |
Samuel C. Laird
– Mar. |
Clifton G.
Lavers - SS |
Alfred E.
Garnett - JS |
Owen R. Owens -
Tyler |
Nathaniel R.
Peck = 14th Term Chaplin |
Robert W. Roberts – PM |
James P.M. Phillips = PM |
Frederick C. Miles - PM |
Charles Martin - PM |
The first Master under the dispensation and
charter was a
little spare man but earnestly devoted to Masonry, W. Bro. Levant
Markham, who
was appointed, elected, and served over four consecutive terms in 1879,
1880-1-2-3. He withdrew in 1885 and
afterward affiliated with Santa Cruz Lodge No. 38 at Santa Cruz. Penrhyn Lodge largely owed its existence to
Bro. Griffith Griffith, whose name and fame were a household word in
California. The massive stone building
and lodge room in Penryn are his handiwork and his money freely given
Masonry strong in that locality. There
have been a number of good Masters at Penrhyn lodge, but none better or
beloved than the present incumbent, in 1898, W. Bro. Robert W. Roberts,
who is
serving his sixth term. A most excellent
citizen and skillful officer, the lodge in his charge flourished.
(Reference: Fifty Years of Masonry in California Vol. I)