"Herndon DeMolay is dedicated to serving their community and faithfully improving the young men of the chapter. They build themselves upon ideals which our nation is prone to forget." |
News |
Herndon DeMolay would like to invite all of its members and their parents to attend the Nationals vs. NY Mets game on September 29. We are going to meet at the lodge at 5:30 pm. Bryce and I need to know everyone who plans to attend so that we can get tickets in advance that are all in the same section. We believe this will be a good event for parens to spend time with their children and other DeMolays, so we strongly engourage all to participate.
Paul McClaughry
Master Councilor Elect |
It’s hard to believe that another summer has come and gone. With oth positive and encouraging remarks from adults we encounter at many of our events, i.e. Fun Company, DJs, Fairfax Fair, etc., I am constantly reminded why we engoy working with the DeMolay and see the reward of their growth and confidence as they develop plans and projects and share in their success and failures. I encourage any member that may have any ideas or questions regarding any activies, past, present or future, to not hesitate to contact your Chapter Dad (Ivy) or one of your councilor officers. Your Councilors and Committee Chairs have a fun and ambitious calendar planned for the upcoming term and we hope that no one is excluded because they “forgot” or “didn’t know.” Your chapter dad has revised our website at HerndonDeMolay.org and a calendr is there that will be constantly updated. Please let everyone know about this – It will be a GREAT recruiting tool as well.
Yours in DeMolay,
Dad Craig Dexter,
Advisory Council Chairman |
Over the next year as Deputy State Master Councilor, I am strongly encouraging the members of Herndon DeMolay, and the rest of the state, to visit as many chapters as possible.. I have already met many new people and made many new friends from all over North America. We will be visiting other chapters both in and outside of our great commonwealth during the course of my term and would encourage and interested DeMolay to join me whenever possible. I want to extend the message that DeMolay is ALL OVER THE WORLD, not just in our home chapter.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Bryce Dexter, PMC
Deputy State Master Councilor, VA DeMolay |
On Saturday, July 29th, The Virginia State Association of the Order of DeMolay, held their annual Installation of Officers at Radford University. Cdr. Wm. L. Herndon Chapter had the unique privilege and honor to have ALL THREE that were installed that day to come from our chapter - Bro. Ramone L. Nickens, State Master Councilor, Bro. Bryce M. Dexter, Deputy State Master Councilor, and Bro. Louis M. D'Agostino, State Representative DeMolay. The State has entrusted the future of VA DeMolay to these fine young men and those of us who have been fortunate to work with them as they developed into leaders in DeMolay know that this confidence is well-earned and deserved.
Craig Dexter, LOH, COH, Chev, PMC |
From Left to right:
Ivy Nye, PSMC;
Bryce Dexter, DSMC;
Louis D'Agostino, State RD;
Raymone Nickens, SMC |
Why does everyone get so excited about Conclave? Ask one of the 28 Herndon DeMolays and advisors who went this year! We built up to it over the past three months with sports and DeMolay degree practices, car washes, proficiency drives and hectic meetings. Four Days of energy sucking fun, four days of brotherhood. You know by now that the chapter is growing, that the number and variety of our events are increasing, and that we stand taller and stronger as we advance upon a new term, and a new year. We have returned with new awards, titles and nicknames, but let us not forget the events of this past weekend. Bring the excitement to the chapter room, take the fellowship to school with you, give the members who could not attend a taste of what they missed. I love DeMolay; The fun, the leadership, the learning, and above all things, the brotherhood; I share it everyday. ─ Your Chapter Dad, Ivy |
The number of chapter activities always seems to explode during the summer
months. This year is no exception so please keep in mind the following upcoming
large events. At the last meeting of the northern region, the brethren settled
on July 15th as the date for our annual sports competitions, 12 noon at Manasseh
Lodge. The chapter has agreed to compete in Volleyball, Basketball, Softball,
Chess, and Darts. All boys who plan on attending Conclave must not only voice
their intentions to attend, but also pay registration costs of $100 per person
to the chapter by July 7th. This cost will be subsidized by the chapter based
on each members involvement in summer our fundraising efforts. The deadline for
Key man conference registrations is also fast approaching, due July 10th to Dad
Ivy. I suggest that all medical forms accompany registration, although they are
not necessarily due at this time. Paul is organizing a spaghetti dinner
fundraiser for the end of the month, July 23rd from 5:00 - 8:00 pm; volunteers
are still needed. |
Each yeah the International Supreme Council is privileged to bestow honors upon individuals who have shown unfaltering dedication throughout their DeMolay careers. Our chapter is proud to see three such members honored from our ranks. Our State Master Councilor, Raymone Nickens, and Northern Region Master Councilor, Bryce Dexter, will be receiving the degree of Chevalier on July 9th at 2:30 PM in the North room of the George Washington National Masonic Memorial in Alexandria. The degree of Chevalier is the highest honor which can be given to an active DeMolay, awarded for faithful service and not by merit alone. Dad Craig Dexter, a chartering member and currently the chapter chairman, will also be receiving the Legion of Honor, the highest honor which can be bestowed by the International Supreme Council for unprecedented service to our order. The brethren are encouraged to attend these induction ceremonies in support of our chapter. |